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▼ A modern, opinionated and simple microservices stack built on Express.


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A modern, opinionated and simple microservices stack built on Express.

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Creating services using the microservices architecture pattern can involve a lot of repeated boilerplate code including server, logging, documentation, transpilation and other middleware.

srv helps combine the common boilerplate code, while allowing you to extend as needed.


  • Minimal CLI + Framework over Express
  • Babel Transpilation
  • Logging
  • RESTful Documentation Generation
  • CORS
  • Linting (eslint)

Included Modules

  • Express — Minimalist web framework
  • Babel — Javascript Transpilation.
  • Winston Logging — A multi-transport async logging library for node.js.
  • apiDoc — Inline Documentation for RESTful web APIs.
  • ESLint — Linting utility.
  • dotenv — Environment variables.


$ npm install -g srv-cli
$ srv --help

or local (without bin symlink):

$ npm install srv-cli --no-bin-links
$ node node_modules/srv-cli/build/srv --help


Create hello.js with a default export:

export default function hello(app) {
    app.get('/hello', (req, res) => {
        res.send("Hello world!");

The express context will be passed into the default export, giving you full access to the express API. No need to write any express boilerplate code.

You can run the application directly with srv:

$ srv hello.js

▼ Babel transpiled.
▼ Ready! Listening on: http:

Any ES2015 code will automatically be transpiled (via babel), then served at the default host + port. See the CLI Reference for more options and features.

CLI Reference

$ srv --help
Usage: srv entrypoint.js [options]


  -h, --help            output usage information
  -V, --version         output the version number
  -p, --port [n]        Port to listen on
  -H, --host [value]    Host to listen on
  -D, --docs [value]    Generate Docs from folder
  -L, --lint            Lint code with ESLint
  -n, --no-babel        Skip Babel transformation
  -C, --config [value]  Configuration file

Generating Documentation

RESTful documentation generation is based on apiDoc params. See example/hello.js for an example.

Run the following command to generate documentation:

$ srv entrypoint.js --docs examples

examples - Generate Docs from folder.

View docs at: http:

Refer to http: for supported apiDoc params.


By default, srv will transpile the entrypoint file (via babel) its dependencies with the preset-env preset. No need to setup babel yourself, it works out of the box!

See for supported plugins loaded by preset-env.

You can disable the transpilation by providing the --no-babel flag.


Winston logging transport is enabled by default and will log all http info logs to logs/ and all console debug logs to stdout.

You can also call the logging instance directly via the express.logger context.

See examples/hello.js for an example.


CORS middleware is enabled for all requests by default (via express-cors)

You can configure whitelisted domains in the default configuration.


Configuration defaults are set on default.json. You can add, extend or override these defaults by creating your own configuration file (as json) and use the --config flag when running srv.

$ srv examples/hello.js --config custom.json

This will use default.json as a base config and extend using your provided configuration.

Environment Variables

srv uses dotenv to load environment varaibles from a .env file into process.env.

Just create a .env file in the root directory of your project. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE. For example:


That's it.

process.env now has the keys and values you defined in your .env file.

  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  username: process.env.DB_USER,
  password: process.env.DB_PASS

This makes it easy for development, but it is not recommended to add your .env files into VCS.


srv uses ESLint to lint your code using the airbnb-base config.

To eslint your code, just use the --lint flag:

$ srv examples/hello.js --lint

If you wish to update the default profile, you can set lint options on your custom configuration.

  "lint": {
    "rules": {
        "extends": "airbnb-base",

Adding Middleware

Adding extra middleware is easy. Simply export a middleware function in your entrypoint file containing your middleware loaders.


export function middleware(app) {

See examples/middleware-example.js for an example.



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