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MyNotes Angular Material Client

Basic Angular Material REST API client.

A Backend service for this project: MyNotes SpringBoot Service.
A Bootstrap version of the client: Angular Bootstrap REST Client.

Technology Stack

Component Technology
Package manager NPM
JS framework Angular 8
Styles and templates Angular Material 8 / Angular Flex Layout
Forms Angular Reactive Forms
Authentication JWT role based
JWT parser @auth0/angular-jwt
State management NgRx 8 (store, effects, entity)
Production packaging Docker Engine Container, Alpine Linux, Nginx (SSL, HTTP2, API proxy)

Build and run instructions

Precompiled dist folders are included in the repository.
Deploy With Docker:

git clone \
  && cd mynotes-material-client
docker build --build-arg key_store_pass=spring -t mynotes-front . \
  && docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name mynotes_front mynotes-front

An Nginx hosted Angular Material client will be accessible on ports 80 and 443 at URI \material\ .
A Bootstrap client will be accessible at URI \bootstrap\ .
A backend API is supposed to be be running on port 8443 on the same host. To deploy a backend service see: MyNotes SpringBoot Service.
