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ESP8266 WebSockets Web GUI MVC application example

10.09.2017 - Realtime charts with SmoothieCharts.js upgrade

  • SmoothieCharts.js library included (SmoothieJS.h)
  • Moving average filter included (FilterAVG.h)
  • BME280 sensor library forked ( and now it is compatible with brzo_i2c (install
  • ESP8266WebSocketsWebGUI.h upgraded to v1.1
  • MenuOutputChart MenuItem added allows to draw realtime charts using Smoothie Charts JS library (
  • Migrate to ESP8266 core v.2.4.0-rc1 to enable proper floating point formatting with sprintf function
  • Example app included (WebGUIAppBME.ino) that demonstrates real-time charts using measurements from the BME280 sensor


This library allows to build a ESP8266 Arduino IDE application, that provides a real-time user interaction and configuring through a WEB GUI, using a Websocket connection and a JavaScript front-end app. User settings are auto mapped and persisted in external I2C EEPROM.


Key features

  • a cooperative multitasking based on SimpleTimer library

  • up to 5 simultaneous user connections handling based on arduinoWebSockets and ESPAsyncTCP libraries

  • 400 kHz I2C RTC, EEPROM, LCD and BME280 drivers based on brzo_i2c library

  • time management and synchronization (non-blocking NTP and external I2C RTC)

  • modbus TCP non-blocking slave (function (0x03) only), that can handle up to 5 simultaneous keep-alive connections and can process up to 400 messages per second

  • all I2C drivers support HotPlug - you can connect any I2C device without resetting the system

  • WiFi HotPlug - user sketch starts immediately after reset regardless of the state of the WiFi connection


User menu

User menu is designed in a horizontal linear layout style and has a multilevel hierarchy. The menu consists of items (individual lines). Items are grouped into levels (folders). А user can interact with menu items only from his current folder. The supported menu items are as follows:

  • MenuFolder - represents a link from current menu level to another

  • MenuOutputInteger - displays an integer variable

  • MenuOutputString - displays a String variable

  • MenuInputInteger - allows to edit and persists to EEPROM an integer variable

  • MenuInputBoolean - allows to edit and persists to EEPROM a boolean variable

  • MenuInputString - allows to edit and persists to EEPROM a String variable

  • MenuButton - represents a button; when clicked, the corresponding call-back function is called

  • MenuOutputChart - draws realtime chart of float variable.   Needs ESP8266 core v.2.4.0-rc1

  • EEPROMuint16 - persists to EEPROM uint16_t variable and has no visual representation. For example it is used for counting the number of boot cycles

Principles of operation

  • ESP8266 is listening on port 80/HTTP and 81/WS

  • a new client browser connects on port 80/HTTP and send GET "/" request

  • in response HTTP server sends a HTML page with embedded CSS, SVG and JavaScript

  • when the page load is complete, JavaScript function establishes a WebSockets connection and send the command "M1" to WS stream

  • having received the command "M1" the WS dispatcher generates the HTML code for menu level=1 and sends it to the WS stream

  • on the client side JavaScript dispatcher refreshes page body and displays the menu

  • further user interaction occurs within the MVC pattern


Hardware configuration

The minimal hardware configuration:

  • the only ESP8266 board will always run on default settings and will get a system time by NTP protocol

The maximal hardware configuration:


in the file WebSockets.h comment the line


and uncomment the line


in the file WebSocketsServer.h

replace the line




Example application default config

in the file WebGUIApp.ino

const char* wifi_ssid = ********; // WIFI SSID
const char* wifi_password = ********; // WIFI password

in the file StatusLed.h

#define STATUS_LED_PIN LED_BUILTIN // Status led pin

in the file NtpTimeProvider.h

#define NTP_TIME_ZONE 3 // Time zone

in the file WebGUI.ino

ModbusTcpSlave MbTcpSlave = ModbusTcpSlave(502, 1); // TCPport = 502, unit ID = 1

in the file ModbusTcpSlave.h

#define MAX_CLNT_NUM 2 // Max clients number
#define CON_KEEP_ALIVE 500 // Session timeout (ms)
#define REGS_MAX_REQ 16 // Max registers number per request
#define REGS_NUM 16 // Registers number

in the file I2cConfig.h

#define I2C_SDA_PIN D2 // SDA line
#define I2C_SCL_PIN D1 // SCL line
#define EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS 0x57 // EEPROM address
#define RTC_I2C_ADDRESS 0x68 // RTC address
#define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x3F // LCD address
#define I2C_CLOCK_RATE 400 // I2C clock rate (kHz)
#define I2C_ACK_TIMEOUT 2000 // Default ACK timeout (2 ms)
#define I2C_ACK_EEPROM_WRITE 10000 // EEPROM write ACK timeout (10 ms)
#define EEPROM_MIRROR_SIZE 512 // Max EEPROM usage (bytes)