When testing an java app running on tomcat on the 8009 ajp13 connector, you can create an apache proxy with mod_proxy and connect to your tomcat using that proxy.
For test and QA purposes, it is sometimes easier to send a curl like command.
This tool aims to be to AJP13 what curl is to HTTP.
To get help, use the -h flag:
./ajprequest.py -h
usage: ajprequest.py [-h] [-H HEADER] [-r REMOTE_USER]
[-d DATA]
requesturl [passurl]
A python AJP client
positional arguments:
requesturl The request to the proxy front end, e.g. https://localh
passurl The proxy pass url (default:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HEADER, --header HEADER
adds a header
-r REMOTE_USER, --remote_user REMOTE_USER
Sets the remote_user CGI variable
Sets the method (default: GET).
-l {INFO,DEBUG}, --log_level {INFO,DEBUG}
Sets the log level. Logs are sent to STDERR.
-d DATA, --data DATA The data to POST
The AJPv13 protocol is documented at: https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc-
This script has been used to log several Alfresco Jiras.