A software for a 6-axis robot arm which can be controlled over usb as well as a web-server with gut to control the robot from any device
The Controller.ino file will serve as a generall controller which is able to operate the robot as well as recieving commands over serial-input such as usb.
The host device will have a web server which allows sending Commands to the robot, creating automations (saved motion coreographys) and shortcuts as well as a 3d rendered robot, to see the previeus of the shortcuts without moving the actual robot
The robot will have the following funcions:
- move to a specefied position while facing a specified direction => Command = move x,y,z,xDir,yDir,zDir
- ad a deadzone the roboter will not enter while moving from one position to another (to reduce the risk of spilling the precious MULTIVITAMINSAFT) => not yet implemented
- specifing transition types f.e. ease, ease-in, ease-out, interpolate,
- (face tracking)
- reading Gcode input
The python server is going to do all the calculation an pass down how far every motor should rotate and in which time period (optionally also the transition mode (lineare, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, Circles or keyframes for animations can also be given, since a straigth line is the shortest but not neccessarily the best movement