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About project

Sample of Web API and tests with Database in Docker, along with "build as code" using Nuke Build.

Key features:



Running API

In order to run the API, you need to have a PostgreSQL database running. You can use the provided Docker Compose file to run it.

List of services:

  • PostgreSQL: localhost:5432
  • Grafana: https://localhost:3000
  • Jaeger: https://localhost:16686
  • Prometheus: https://localhost:9090
  • Loki: https://localhost:3100

Projects to start


Starts the HTTP-server


Execute all tests

dotnet test

Execute only integration tests

dotnet test --filter Category=IntegrationTests

Create Db Context migrations

#Install EF utils
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

#Create schema migration
dotnet ef migrations add <Name of your migration> --startup-project src/Api -p src/Store -c PopulationDbContext

Build solution using Nuke build

Install the global tool

dotnet tool install Nuke.GlobalTool --global

Run build

Using a global tool


Using a PowerShell script

Execute from the root of the repository

pwsh build.ps1 -DockerRepositoriesUrl https://some.docker.registry -Branch some-dev-branch -BuildCounter 1 -DockerRepositoryName some-docker-repo-name -NuGetUrl https://some.nuget.registry -NuGetFeedName some-nuget-feed-name -NuGetApiKey some-nuget-api-key

Execution plan

Execute the following command to see the interactive execution plan

nuke --plan

Build execution plan

API Client

API client is generated using NSwag tool.

It generates automatically when ClientGenerator project is built.

See more details in NSwag documentation and nswag.json file.


To see current app metrics, go to https://localhost:5005/metrics


Grafana runs automatically using Docker Compose and is available at https://localhost:3000. It has three predefined data sources:

  • Prometheus
  • Loki
  • Jaeger