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Desktop application for Bitcoin & Other cryptocurrency price alerts and exchange listing alert


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Java CI with Maven

Welcome to CryptocurrencyAlerting

CryptocurrencyAlerting is a Desktop application allows you to monitoring the cryptocurrency price and generate an alert when specific conditions are meet.

this software is implemented using java swing technology

the CryptocurrencyAlerting allow the user to monitor:

  • if the price of the cryptocurrency goes above or below a certain price and then trigger an action

The actual actions imlpemented are:

  • send a mail
  • create a popup on the desktop and emit a sound

Where to get the application

this application is usually released and ready to be downloaded directly by github, then go to the release section and get the latest version. I proposed a version already compiled and ready to be used, anyway is always possible to compile by yourself. Whatevere way you get the software the Configuration step could be needed if you want to use advanced functionality.


It is requrested a minimal configuration before to start the application:

  • configure the provider for the api of the market criptocurrency prices (not mandatory in case you use the default one)
  • configure the provide to send mail (not mandatory in case you want to use just the popup alert)

Configuration of the market price adapter

Obviusly the value of the cryptocurrencies must be obtained by a specific provider. The application is based on interfaces, then it is possible to implement a specific adpter, for any provide that is able to expose the interface that give back the price of the cryptocurrency, and configure the application to use it.

In this Actual version the application is shipped wiht the follow adapters already implemented:

by default the adapter is configured becouse it doesnt required any configruation and the user can start to use immediately the application wihtout any configuration

to define the market Adapter that the application must use, configure the main configuration file,


Coinmarketcap api cofiguration

This provider has different pricing to use its api, but the basic usage is for free. Aniway it is requested to login in the applicatiom and generate an API key to use its services. After the API key is gerenate, it must be introduced in the configuration file

configuration\marketprovider\coinmarketcap\ api cofiguration

This provider has a free service so it doesnt required any specific action from the user: you don't have to create any account the api are accesible to everybody just using the url. The only limitation consist that the api don't provide the list of the fiat, then in the configuration file of the adapter you have to configure the FIAT you want ot use. by default I have already configured the most used FIATs, if you want to add others you have to configured it in the configuration file


Configuration of the actions

as described before, actually these are the actions already implemented

  • send a mail
  • create a popup on the desktop and emit a sound

these actions can be configured in the way to tailor the way you are notified.

Configure the mail provide action - mandatory step if you intend send mail

This application rely on the Smtp protocol to send the mails, the implementation is done on the way to support the majority of the Use cases: Encrypt by TLS or SSL, authentication, etc... On internet there are thousand of provided that give you for free the opportunity to send mail, i will not advice any one of them, they are more or less all valid. You have just to chose one, verify what is its integartion stategy and configure accrodly the configuration file


Configure the popup action - not mandatory step

I will dedicate a litle by of time to discuss about the popup alert. Pratically it will generate a Dialog with the alert message and will emit a sound. It can be configure to move the Dialog generated in foreground of your desktop in case you are working on another application, this is very usefull functionality becouse you can continue to do your work and then the popup will apper magically on top of your desktop, you cannot avoid to note it! Also the sound can be configured, you can remove it or you can disable the loop. Any specific configuration can be done alterating the file



Create an alert

Manage the alert created

Popup alert

Start the application

the prerequirement is that the javaw command is accesible wherever on your pc. then in Windows OS the bin folder of your JVM is part of the Path in the environment variables. the generate folder contain in the root folder the script that must be execute to start the application.


In case you want to start the application in adifferent way, analizing startApplication.bat will give you enought information to understand how is working the start of the application and then create a start more appropriate for your needs.

How to build

when downloaded this repository, in the main folder CryptocurrencyAlerting run the bat file


attention this script works in offline mode, then it is requested that all the dependences are already downloaded in alternative run the maven command on the root of the project

mvn clean compile install

the build will create in the target folder zip file that is the package ready to start

unziping this file will create the folder cryptocurrencyalerting-version-x.x that you can move wherever you prefere