The slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams
Zim: Modular, customizable, and blazing fast Zsh framework
A simple HP Graphics Language to GCode converter
Node server that uses Headless Chrome to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware.
This is a library to make possible the use of Django REST Framework with Backbone Framework.
A test text generator for font development, using Markov chains.
Locally convert fonts to web formats and generate CSS rules
This project is deprecated, use instead
a simple syntax for complex argumentation
A basic (incomplete) Markdown parser based on Jison
Improve readability of the online Belgian consolidated legislation
cleaner Html2Print d'OSP - pour s'en servir facilement. Cette version a été utilisé pour Médor N°1.
vinegar.vim: Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing
📁 Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script
An opinionated ES6 toolchain for the browser.
Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
A standard order for CSS properties that starts at the outer edge of the box model and moves inward
A django-filer based CKEditor filebrowser
csscomb / vim-csscomb
Forked from batsuev/csscomb-vimCSScomb plugin for Vim. Tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order.
qtwebkit / qtwebkit
Forked from WebKit/WebKit-httpCode in this repository is obsolete. Use this fork: