For too long my discord channel has gone unmoderated! I made this bot to make my channel interesting. It lets my friends and I:
!search keywords - search youtube for keywords and gives option to play song
!help - get list of commands that are available
!rules - get the rules for this channel
!autosummon - toggles autosummon messages for knights
!roll person_name - roll for a 1/(chance) chance to kick person_name
!skip - call a vote to skip current song
!clear - clear this bot's most recent messages
!chance int_between_2_100000000 - change !roll's chance value to int_between_2_100000000
!summon knight_name - send summon message to sir knight_name
!roundtable - send a round table request to disconnected knights
!music - retrieve the current music player's info
!pawn - turn default players to pawns
!playlist - view saved playlists and their size
!playlist playlist_title - add playlist playlist_title to queue
!playlist view playlist_title - view the songs in playlist playlist_title
!playlist add/remove playlist_title youtube_url - add or remove song youtube_url to playlist playlist_title
!playlist save playlist_title - save all songs in the current queue to playlist playlist_title
!pause - vote to pause current song
!stop - vote to stop current song
!volume - vote to change volume of music player
!knight pawn_name - knights pawn_name, must be king
!play youtube_url - add youtube_url to music player queue
!connect - tell bot to connect to chat
!resume - resume music
Uses discord py, because it rocks and there's not much that can be added to it.