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This packages extends the computation tracking capabilities of Sumatra with “Task” constructs (borrowed from Luigi). This allows better composability of tasks, and enables a workflow based on runfiles. In particular, a runfile may be a full-blown Jupyter or RStudio notebook, allowing one to produce highly reproducible, easily documented analyses.

Sumatra implements an electronic lab book, logging execution parameters and code versions every time you run a computational script. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can get started here.

Note that in order to implement the runfile workflow, this packages changes somewhat the code files Sumatra tracks as explained below. If you are already used to Sumatra, make sure you understand these changes before running this on anything important.


SumatraTask requires Python >= 3.7. It is installed with

pip install smttask

Note: SumatraTask is built on top of the Sumatra package, which itself uses parameters. Both of these packages will be installed alongside smttask. However, because they are no longer actively maintained, we vendor our own versions of these packages. This allows us to patch them as required for to support the functionality we need. Effectively we replace the official versions with our own. This means that it is not possible to install both the official versions of sumatra or parameters in the same virtual environment as SumatraTask. This is mostly only relevant for users who might also want to contribute back to either upstream package. Otherwise, most users don’t use either sumatra or parameters, or if they do, the patched versions will work just as fine. See vendored dependencies below


After installing smttask in your virtual environment, change to your project directory and run

smttask project init

Follow the prompts to configure a new Sumatra project with output and input directories. The current implementation of smttask requires that the output directory by a subdirectory of the input directory.1

Hint It's a good idea to keep the VC repository tracked by Sumatra as lean as possible. Things like project reports and documentation are best kept in a different repository.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to keep project reports in the same repository, we now have support for “dirty directories”: uncommitted changes in this directories will not prevent SumatraTask from executing a task. Obviously one needs to take care not to mark a code directories as dirty, but reports or labnotes directories could make sense. Support for this is current experimental. The list of dirty directories currently needs to be specified by manually editing the .smt/project file.

SumatraTask workflows

Workflows constructed with SumatraTask have a number of benefits over the common “all-in-one” scripts:2

  • Lazy execution of expensive computations;
  • Automatic on-disk caching of expensive computations;
  • Optional, in-memory caching of intermediate computations;
  • Fully reproducible workflows: every required parameter, and every package version, is recorded;
  • Composability: Tasks can be used as inputs to other Tasks;
  • Portability: Any Task can be serialized to a JSON file, and then executed from that file. This is great for running batches of jobs, either on a local or a remote machine.

All this with minimal markup. How minimal ? Suppose you have a analysis function called analyze, taking a NumPy array and some parameters dt and nbins, and returning three values:

def analyze(arr, dt, nbins):
  return (μ, σ, p)

To turn this into a Task, you would do the following:

def analyze(arr: Array, dt: float, nbins: int) -> Tuple[float,float,float]:
  return (μ, σ, p)

and add the following imports to the top of your file:

from typing import Tuple
from smttask import RecordedTask
from scityping.numpy import Array

That's it ! This is still 100% valid Python, so you can run it directly within your notebook or editor. All it requires is two things:

  • That each task be a pure function.
  • That all the inputs be serializable to JSON.

Note that there is no way SumatraTask can check that a function is pure, so it relies on you to do so. Be especially careful with functions that depend on objects which conserve state via private attributes, for example random number generators.

The requirement for serializability means that we need to provide for each data type a pair of functions to serialize and deserialize values to and from JSON. Under the hood, SumatraTask uses Pydantic for serialization, so most built-in types are already supported. Additional types geared for scientific computing (such as NumPy arrays and dtypes) are also defined in scityping.

Ensuring all our input data are serializable is not always trivial, but it is the only thing required to unlock all the benefits mentioned above.

Running tasks

  • As part of a script.

    One could define, for example, the following file named

    import numpy as np
    from project.tasks import analyze
    tasks = []
    for dt in [0.1, 0.3, 0.5]:
      tasks.append(analyze(arr=np.array([1, 2, 3]), dt=0.5, nbins=2))
    for task in tasks:

    Typically such a file would be excluded from version control. Especially convenient is using a Jupyter notebook for such a run file, to allow easy in-line documentation.

  • From a task description file.

    In the example example, we could change


    Now, instead of executing the task, the script generates a complete, self-contained task description file (basically a JSON file) and places it within the directory taskdir with a unique, automatically generated file name.3 Task description files can be executed from the command line:

    smttask run taskdir/task_name

    This approach is especially convenient for generating task file locally, and running them on a more powerful computation cluster. Although SumatraTask is not a scheduler, the smttask run command does provide basic multiprocessing and queueing capabilities. For example, the following would run all task files under taskdir, four at a time:

    smttask run -n4 taskdir/*

Usage recommendations

  • Keep extra project files (such as notes, pdfs or analysis notebooks – anything that does not serve to reproduce a run) in a different repository. Every time you run a task, Sumatra requires you to commit any uncommitted changes, which will quickly become a burden if your repository includes non-code files. Jupyter notebooks are especially problematic, because every time they are opened, the file metadata is changed. (Strongly recommended in this case is to pair the notebook to a Python script with Jupytext, and only add the script to version control.)

This comment about separating the code repository is even more important if you use the 'store-diff' option. Otherwise you will end up with very big diffs, and each recorded task may occupy many megabytes.

  • It will happen that you run a task only to realize that you forgot to make a small change in your last commit. It's tempting then to use git commit --amend, so as to not create a new unnecessary commit – do not do this. This will change the commit hash, and any Sumatra records pointing to the old one will be invalidated. And no matter how careful you are to "only do this when there are no records pointing to the old commit", it will happen, and you will hate yourself.

(differences-with-sumatra)= Recording changes compared to Sumatra

  • SumatraTask sets the “main file” to the module where the Task is defined. This may be different from the file passed on the command line.
  • The file passed on the command line is logged as “script arguments”.


  • stdout and stderr are currently not tracked.


SumatraTask will

  • Manage saving and loading paths, so you can concentrate on what your code should do rather than where it should save its results. All tasks are saved to a unique location, no previous location is ever overwritten, and results are load paths are resolved transparently as needed.
  • Automatically load previous computation results from disk when available.
  • Record code version and parameters in a Sumatra project database.
  • Allow you to insert breakpoints anywhere in your code.

SumatraTask will not

  • Schedule tasks: tasks are executed sequentially, using plain Python recursion to resolve the dependency tree. To automatically set up sets of tasks to run in parallel with resource management, use a proper scheduling package such as Snakemake, Luigi, NextFlow or DoIt. smttask provides a helper function to generate snakemake workflows; a similar bridge to other managers should also be possible.

Compared to Luigi/Snakemake

The result of tasks can be kept in memory instead of, or in addition to, writing to disk.

~ This allows for further separation of workflows into many small tasks. A good example where this is useful is a task creating an iterator which returns data samples. This is a typical way of feeding data to deep learning libraries, but since an iterator cannot be reliably reloaded from a disk file, such a task does not fit well within a Luigi/Snakemake workflow.

Entire workflows can be executed within the main Python session.

~ This is especially useful during development: the alternative, which is to spawn new processes for each task (perhaps not even Python processes), can make it easy to lose information from the stack trace, or prevent the usage of breakpoint().

Allows for different parent task

~ Luigi/Snakemake make it easy to use the same task as parent for multiple child tasks, but using different parents for the same child is cumbersome and leads to repeated code.

Manages output/input file paths.

~ Luigi/Snakemake require you to write task-specific code to determine the output and input file paths; Luigi's file path resolution in particular is somewhat cumbersome. With smttask, file paths are automatically determined from the task name and parameters, and you never need to see them.

Compared to Sumatra

Both input and output filenames can be derived from parameters

~ (Sumatra requires inputs to be specified on the command line)

For developers

Vendored dependencies

The code under vendor/sumatra is maintained in a separate repository and synced with git subrepo. In most cases this is transparent, and you don’t even need to install git-subrepo to edit the smttask sources. There are a few cases however where this might be useful:

  • You want to pull changes which are in @alcrene/sumatra but not yet included with smttask. In this case you would do the following from this repo’s root:

    git subrepo pull vendor/sumatra
  • You want to replace the vendored sumatra with another fork. This can be done with

    rm -rf vendor/sumatra
    git subrepo clone <new-repo-url> vendor/sumatra
  • You want to push changes you made within vendor/sumatra back upstream:

    git subrepo push vendor/sumatra

    This can be used to push to your own fork, in order to then open a pull request on GitHub.

Note that in most cases, use of git-subrepo is an optional convenience: you can usually achieve the same result by cloning your sumatra fork separately as a normal repo, within which you can pull/commit/push as with any other repo. The main advantage of git-subrepo is that it makes it a bit easier to modify sumatra, and immediately test how those changes affect smttask.


  1. The smttask project init command is a wrapper around Sumatra's smt init, with helpful defaults and type checking. However, you may also initialize a project with Sumatra directly:

    cd /path/to/project/deathstar
    smt init --datapath data/run_dump --input data deathstar
  2. There are a few mature workflow management libraries for Python that provide notable improvement over the all-in-one scripts, for example Snakemake, Luigi, Nextflow and DoIt. Philosophically, SumatraTask is probably closest to Luigi, in that it is 100% Python and does not aspire to be a task scheduler; SumatraTask workflows can easily be wrapped as Snakemake rules to make use of its scheduler, for example. Moreover, SumatraTask has its own compelling features: the minimal markup, the integration with the Sumatra electronic lab book, both upstream and downstream composability (Snakemake and Luigi only support downstream composition well), and in-memory tasks.

  3. It is also possible to specify a filename to