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Utilities for Modern C++

This library includes many useful utilities for C++.

List of utilities

  • Streaming Data (examples)
    • Coloured terminal
    • Streaming whole containers
    • Pretty colored and organized tables
    • Coloured logging for debug, info, and error
    • Progress bar on terminal
    • Streaming to containers
    • Streams with regex filters
    • Streams to/from filesystem
    • Plotting results (using gnuplot)
  • Data Structures (examples)
    • JSON
    • Any-data variable
    • Optional data
    • Property trees
    • Tribooleans (true, false, and indeterminate)
    • Variant data
    • Fusion tuples
    • Heterogeneous vectors
  • Containers (examples)
    • Graphs
    • Bidirectional maps
    • Flat associative containers (as sorted vectors)
    • Multidimensional arrays
    • Recursive vector
    • Stable vector
    • Multi-index container
    • Circular buffer
    • Heap
    • Binomial Heap
  • Algorithms (examples)
    • Range-based algorithms (like sort(a), etc)
    • Range views (or filters)
    • Extensions to STL algorithms
    • Hexadecimal conversion
    • Polymorphic Casting
  • Numeric Algorithms (examples)
    • Helpers for random numbers with all distributions
    • Container generators
    • Numeric methods and statistics
    • Operations between numeric containers
    • Types controlling the size of integers
    • Numeric conversion with overflow detection
    • Basic Linear Algebra Library (UBLAS)
    • Geometry
    • Spacial Indexes
  • Algorithms for Strings (examples)
    • String functions
    • Tokenizing strings
    • Formatted strings
  • Helper Functions (examples)
    • Container numeric overloads (like vector_c = vector_a + vector_b, etc)
    • Automatic Relational Operators
    • Serialization
    • Universally Unique Identifiers
    • Program Options
    • Mathematical Operators (+,-,*,/,%) for containers of scalars
  • Parallel Programming (examples)
    • Thread Pools
    • GPU / OpenCL
    • Threads example
  • Communication (examples)
    • ASIO steady timer
    • ASIO web client
    • Interprocesses with shared memory
    • HTTP Server
    • HTTP Client
  • Programming Paradigms (examples)
    • Demangling
    • Function typetraits
    • Extended Generic Typetraits
    • Coroutines
    • Strings as types
    • Phoenix functional functions
  • Time (examples)
    • Timers
    • Clocks, CPU Clocks, Timepoints, and Durations
    • Streaming time
    • Calendar dates and time
    • Location-independent Times
    • Location-dependent Times
    • Formatted Input and Output
  • Memory (examples)
    • Memory Pool
    • Flyweight Pattern (avoiding replicate data in objects)


Downloading libraries

The project will try to find/download the libraries required but it's much easier to have the libraries installed in advance:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev -y
sudo apt install ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers clinfo ocl-icd-opencl-dev beignet -y
sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11 -y

Also make sure you have a modern C++ compiler installed and you're ready to run all the examples in the project.

Including in CMake

You can include it in your CMake project with:

        GIT_TAG "master"
        SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/utilities"
        PREFIX "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/utilities-prefix"
        BUILD_COMMAND ""
        TEST_COMMAND ""

if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/utilities/find_external_packages.cmake)
# ... create your target
add_executable(my_target main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_target ${Utils_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(my_target PUBLIC ${Utils_INCLUDE_DIRS})
add_dependencies(my_target utilities)

The external project might need to download some files so run cmake with sudo at least for the first time.

After that, just include utils.h in your source file. All utilities are in the utl namespace. The libraries are organized in such a way that there is no conflict with the std so you can use these namespaces:

using namespace std;
using namespace utl;

However, note that it's a VERY bad programming practice to do that globally in header files.


You can look at all examples in the examples directory.


If you have issues, you can:

Thank you for trying this library. Send me an email for any special considerations.