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Multi Auth for Laravel 6.*

  • php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install {guard} -f
  • php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install {guard} -f --domain
  • php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install {guard} {service} -f --lucid

What it does?

This a simple package to create the multi authentication feature on your Laravel 6.* project. By running some simple command you can setup multi auth for your Laravel project. The package installs:

  • Model
  • Migration
  • Controllers
  • Notification
  • Routes
    • routes/web.php
      • {guard}/login
      • {guard}/register
      • {guard}/logout
      • Password Reset Routes
        • {guard}/password/reset
        • {guard}/password/email
    • routes/{guard}.php
      • {guard}/home
  • Middleware
  • Views
  • Guard
  • Provider
  • Password Broker
  • Settings


Step 1: Install Through Composer

composer require alaminfirdows/laravel-multi-auth

Step 2: Install Multi Auth in Your Project

php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install {singular_lowercase_name_of_guard} -f

// Examples
php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install admin -f
php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install employee -f
php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install customer -f

Notice: If you don't provide -f flag, it will not work. It is a protection against accidental activation.


If you want to install Multi-Auth files in a subdomain you must pass the option --domain.

php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install admin -f --domain
php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install employee -f --domain
php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install customer -f --domain

To be able to use this feature properly, you should add a key to your .env file:

This will allow us to use it in the routes file, prefixing it with the domain feature from Laravel routing system.

Using it like so: ['domain' => '{guard}.' . env('APP_DOMAIN')]

Step 3: Migrate new model table

php artisan migrate

Step 4: Try it

Go to: http:https://project_url/GuardName/login

Example: http:


If you don't want model and migration use --model flag.

php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install admin -f --model

If you don't want views use --views flag.

php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install admin -f --views

If you don't want routes in your routes/web.php file, use --routes flag.

php artisan laravel-multi-auth:install admin -f --routes


If you want to change the redirect path for once your guard is logged out. Add and override the following method in your {GuardName}\Auth\LoginController:

 * Get the path that we should redirect once logged out.
 * Adaptable to user needs.
 * @return string
public function logoutToPath() {
    return '/';

Files which are changed and added by this package

  • config/auth.php

    • Add guards, providers, passwords
  • app/Http/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

    • Register routes
  • app/Http/Kernel.php

    • Register middleware
  • app/Http/Middleware/

    • Middleware for each guard
  • app/Http/Controllers/{Guard}/Auth/

    • New controllers
  • app/Models/{Guard}.php

    • New Model
  • app/Notifications/{Guard}/ResetPassword.php

    • Reset password notification
  • database/migrations/

    • Migration for new model
  • routes/web.php

    • Register routes
  • routes/{guard}.php

    • Routes file for given guard
  • resources/views/{guard}/

    • Views for given guard


Note: Never install configurations with same guard again after installed new version of package. So if you already installed your admin guard, don't install it again after you update package to latest version.


  • Updated all deprecated string helpers to Laravel 6.0
  • Reform Controllers Path and namespace
  • Reform Models Path and namespace

Special thanks to Piotr Łosiak (Hesto)

I inspired to create this package from hesto/multi-auth.