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Africa's Talking Java SDK


The SDK provides convenient access to the Africa's Talking API from applications written in Java.

Android Users: Remember your API key has to be kept secret; hard-coding it into an apk you publish is a security risk. So on Android, use the Android SDK instead.


Take a look at the API docs here.


You can depend on the .jar through Maven (from http:


or sbt:

resolvers += "africastalking maven repository" at "http:"
// Get all services
libraryDependencies += "com.africastalking" % "core" % "3.3.3"

or Gradle:

repositories {
  maven {
    url  "http:"

  // Get all services
  compile 'com.africastalking:core:3.3.3'


The SDK needs to be initialized with your app username and API key, which you get from the dashboard.

You can use this SDK for either production or sandbox apps. For sandbox, the app username is ALWAYS sandbox

// Initialize
String username = "YOUR_USERNAME";    // use 'sandbox' for development in the test environment
String apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";       // use your sandbox app API key for development in the test environment
AfricasTalking.initialize(username, apiKey);

// Initialize a service e.g. SMS
SmsService sms = AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_SMS);

// Use the service
List<Recipient> response = sms.send("Hello Message!", new String[] {"+2547xxxxxx"});

See example for more usage examples.


The following static methods are available on the AfricasTalking class to initialize the library:

  • initialize(string username, String apiKey): Initialize the library.

  • setLogger(Logger): Set logging object.

  • getService(Service.class | AfricasTalking.SERVICE_*): Get an instance to a given service by name or by class:

    • Account: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_ACCOUNT)
    • Airtime: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_AIRTIME)
    • SMS: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_SMS)
    • Payments: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_PAYMENT)
    • Voice: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_VOICE)
    • Token: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_TOKEN)
    • USSD: AfricasTalking.getService(AfricasTalking.SERVICE_USSD)


All methods are synchronous (i.e. will block current thread) but provide asynchronous variants that take a com.africastalking.Callback<String> as the last argument.

All phone numbers use the international format. e.g. +234xxxxxxxx.

All amount strings contain currency code as well. e.g. UGX 443.88.


  • fetchAccount(): Get app balance.


  • send(String phoneNumber, String amount): Send airtime to a phone number. Example amount would be KES 150.

  • send(HashMap<String,String> recipients): Send airtime to a bunch of phone numbers. The keys in the recipients map are phone numbers while the values are airtime amounts. The amounts need to have currency info e.g. UXG 4265.

For more information about status notification, please read http:


  • send(String message, String[] recipients): Send a message

  • sendPremium(String message, String keyword, String linkId, String[] recipients): Send a premium SMS

  • fetchMessages(): Fetch your messages

  • fetchSubscription(String shortCode, String keyword): Fetch your premium subscription data

  • createSubscription(String shortCode, String keyword, String phoneNumber, String checkoutToken): Create a premium subscription

For more information on:


  • cardCheckout(String productName, String amount, PaymentCard paymentCard, String narration, Map metadata): Initiate card checkout.

  • validateCardCheckout(String transactionId, String otp): Validate a card checkout

  • bankCheckout(String productName, String amount, BankAccount bankAccount, String narration, Map metadata): Initiate bank checkout.

  • validateBankCheckout(String transactionId, String otp): Validate a bank checkout

  • bankTransfer(String productName, List<Bank> recipients): Move money form payment wallet to bank account

  • mobileCheckout(String productName, String phoneNumber, String amount): Initiate mobile checkout.

  • mobileB2C(String productName, List<Consumer> consumers): Send mobile money to consumer.

  • mobileB2B(String productName, Business recipient): Send mobile money to business.

For more information, please read http:


  • call(String phoneNumber): Initiate a phone call

  • fetchQueuedCalls(String phoneNumber): Get queued calls

  • uploadMediaFile(String phoneNumber, String url): Upload voice media file

  • ActionBuilder: Build voice xml when callback URL receives a POST from Africa's Talking

    • say(): Add a Say action.

    • play(): Add a Play action.

    • getDigits(): Add a GetDigits action.

    • dial(): Add a Dial action.

    • conference(): Add a Conferemce action.

    • record(): Add a Record action.

    • enqueue(): Add a Enqueue action.

    • dequeue(): Add a Dequeue action.

    • reject(): Add a Reject action.

    • redirect(): Add a Redirect action.

    • build(): Finally build the xml

For more information, please read http:


  • createCheckoutToken(String phoneNumber): Create a new checkout token for phoneNumber.

  • generateAuthToken(): Generate an auth token to use for authentication instead of an API key.


For more information, please read http:


$ git clone
$ cd africastalking-java
$ touch

Make sure your file has the following content then run ./gradlew build


# Bintray


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub.