Universal text based user interface for any type of application.
Project is called texoUI, texōUI , textumUI, texUI, textusUI
Based on text + latin word: texo, texere, texui, textus
- UI constructed with elaborate care.
- Plaits command line and touch input together.
- It weaves to devs and users. Simple to develop and use. (:
The main goal is to create a simple framework for text base UI which is usable on desktop and touchable devices, as well.
- Input is only plain text (touch friendly command line)
- Minimalistic user interface
- Usage of immutable view models
- Build in support for intellisense, "did you mean?" correction system
- Integration of markdown language
- Rich system of commands, actions and results
- Command line
- Result view
- Layers? (intellisense, work in progress/background)
- Tabs?
Prompts: t>, tu>, to>, tm>
- Markdown language / HTML
- Command tree definition
- Intellisense, help
- Did you mean? correction system
- Long-running / background commands
- Core concepts
- Console client
- WPF client
- Xamarin and JavaScript (.net Bridge) platform support
- Serve commands as REST API web services