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React Starter

Starter Kit for developing React Web Apps!

Project structure

Folder Path Description
__mocks__ Jest mocks
env/ Environment files
public/ Public directory
src/components/ React components directory
src/index.js Entry file
src/webpack/ Webpack configuration for dev and prod environments
.eslintrc.json ESLint configuration
.stylelintrc SCSS Lint configuration
babel.config.js Babel configuration
db.json Mock API server database
jest.config.json Jest configuration
json-server.js Mock API server
package.json Project dependencies
yarn.lock Yarn lock file

To start, follow these steps

Step 1: Install NodeJS & NPM

NodeJS & NPM

Step 2: Install Yarn

npm i -g yarn

Step 3: Get project

Clone this repository and go to this project's root location

Step 4: Add local dependencies

yarn install

Step 5: Run webpack dev server

yarn start

Step 6: Run in dev environment

npm run start:dev

Step 7: Check Website

Open browser and go to http:https://localhost:3000/

Step 8 (Optional): Run test cases

yarn test

Step 9: Build for production

yarn build

Step 10: Run in production environment

yarn start:prod