- Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
- https://www.akanekodou.net/prog/
Project templates for stack new
A jQuery plugin that converts JSON data into searchable, sortable, HTML tables
anyenv plugin that provides `anyenv update` command to update all **env and all plugins
Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Ruby on Rails applications.
Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby.
A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
PL for friends in the Japaripark (Logical programming language with Japanese animation-reference joke syntax)
consomme / kemono_friends_lang
Forked from masarakki/nyaruko_langあなたはプログラミング言語フレンズなんだね!
An embeddable script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier.
JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies.
Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
LDoc is a LuaDoc-compatible documentation generator which can also process C extension source. Markdown may be optionally used to render comments, as well as integrated readme documentation and pre…
help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime.
Flexible client-side table sorting
Github fork of Christian Bach's tablesorter plugin + awesomeness ~