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typing: Annotate Your Python Code

What is typing?

Typing is intended as a standard notation for Python function and variable type annotations. The notation can be used for documenting code in a concise, standard format, and it has been designed to also be used by static and runtime type checkers, static analyzers, IDEs and other tools. The typing module originates from the mypy optional static type checker for Python.

Typing defines a notation and semantics for types. It does not define how to perform type checking or type inference, and some details are left open, on purpose. The typing module also includes some utilities that are primarily intended for type checkers and static analyzers, and it contains some recommendations on how they should be used.

Typing has two implementations, one for Python 3.2+ and another for Python 2.7. Since Python 2 does not support function annotations, another approach for encoding function annotations must be used.


Typing is in development. Almost all design decisions are still open for discussion. Currently we actively seek feedback from the community.

Why a standard notation for types?

Annotating functions and modules is primarily useful for tools. Type checkers and static analysis tools have a hard time unless some form of description of the types of C extension modules is available. For example, function return types cannot be easily inferred from C code. Also, inferring types from Python programs without annotations if tricky, and some annotations make type inference much more effective and efficient.

Currently several ways of annotating types in Python code exist, none of which are in widespread use. Some are based on docstrings, some on function decorators, some on separate type definition files, and others on Python 3 function annotations. This results in wasted, redundant effort and fragmentation, and there is a risk that none of the approaches reach a critical mass needed for wider adoption. By concentrating efforts on a single annotation syntax it's more likely that type annotations would become genuinely useful for the community.

Type annotations will still be completely optional. It seems likely that the majority of Python users would not feel the need to annote their code, and that's totally fine. However, even they could benefit from a standard type annotation syntax, as tools such as IDEs and static analyzers could become much more useful for users with unannoted code as well.

Overview of the notation

Concrete types

An annotation that is a reference to a type object such as int specifies a type that is compatible with all instances of int and any subclasses of int. This is called a concrete type. However, since Python uses duck typing, such annotation should also accept any type sufficiently similar to int (see @ducktype below for how to explicitly specify duck typing relationships).

User-defined classes and library types can also be used as concrete types.

Note that since bool is a subclass of int, True and False are compatible with the type int.


The None value can be used as a type. The only valid value is None. As a function return type, it is used to specify that the function returns no useful value (i.e., it always returns None).

Tuple types

The type typing.Tuple[t1, ... tN] is a tuple type. It is a fixed-length, heterogeneous tuple instance. Examples:

Tuple[int, str]

This specifies a 2-tuple with int as the first item and str as the second item, such as (1, 'x').


This refers to a 1-tuple containing an integer, such as (1,).

Note that there is no type for a zero-length tuple or an arbitrary-length tuple with uniform types (though Sequence[T] can be used for the latter).

The concrete type tuple is compatible with arbitrary tuples, independent of lengths or item types.

Function types

The type typing.Function[[A1, ...AN], R] is a function (callable) type that is compatible with any callable that can be called with positional arguments with types A1, ..., AN, and that returns a value of type R.

There is no way of specifying types of functions taking an arbitrary number of arguments or keyword-only arguments. This is a pretty rare use case, but falling back to Any (see below) is always possible.

The Any type

The type typing.Any is compatible with all values, and it is understood as a dynamically typed value: there is an understanding that only some values are valid, but this is not specified by the annotation. See also the type object below.

The object type

The type object is a concrete type that is compatible with all values. The intention is that a type object signifies that an arbitrary object is valid (similar to type Object in Java), whereas Any signifies that some constraints apply to the value, but these are either impossible to represent using the annotation notation, or that the programmer has decided to not specify them.

Union types

The type typing.Union[T1, ..., TN] is a type that is compatible with all item types T1, ..., TN. The order of item types is arbitrary.

It may be tempting to use the union type Union[int, float], but this is redundant, since int is compatible with float (to see why, see @ducktype below) and thus this union type is equivalent to just float.

Type variables

Genericity or parametric polymorphism is supported via type variables. Type variable is defined using typing.typevar; this is analogous to namedtuple in that the argument to typevar should be the stringified name of the type variable:

from typing import typevar
T = typevar('T')

A type variable can be conceptually instantiated with any type within the scope of a function or a class (though the typing module does not actually perform this instantiation). Consider this function (assuming the definition of T from above):

def id(x: T) -> T:
    return x

T within the function can be replaced with any type. For example, if T, is replaced with int, type type of the function becomes int -> int. The above annotation thus says that id can be called with any argument type, and the return type is equivalent to the argument type.

If the same type variable is used in multiple separate functions or classes, these instances of T are independent of each other. References to a particular type variable within a single function or class are always varied in a lockstep fashion.

Type variable with value restriction

It is possible to define a type variable with a fixed set of valid values, using a values keyword argument of typevar. The value of the keyword argument should be tuple literal:

from typing import typevar

T = typevar('T', values=(str, bytes))

def f(s: T) -> T:
    return s[0] + t[-1]

Now f can be called with a str or bytes argument, and the return type is str or bytes, respectively.

A type variable that ranges over str and bytes is often useful. Typing includes a predefined type variable exactly like that, AnyStr (in Python 2 it ranges over str and unicode). The above function f could be equivalently written using AnyStr:

from typing import AnyStr

def f(s: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
    return s[0] + t[-1]

Union types and type variables with value restrictions are related but different. A type variable is always instantiated to a single value in lockstep fashion within the scope of the variable, whereas each instance of a union type is independent of each other.

Generic classes

A class can be generic, i.e. it is parametrized with one or more type arguments. A concrete generic class extends the typing.Generic class:

from typing import typevar, Generic

T = typevar('T')
S = typevar('S')

class G(Generic[T, S]):

The type variables T and S can be used in the body of G. Now G can be used as a generic type using indexing, for example G[int, str].

If the type arguments are omitted within an annotation (just G), the type variables will have implicit Any values. The type G is thus equivalent to G[Any, Any]. However, if G is used in an expression context, not using the indexing notation means that the type arguments should be inferred from the context (but how this is achieved is out of the scope of the typing module).

The indexing notation can also be used within expressions:

g1 = G[int, str]()    # OK, explicit type arguments
g2 = G()              # OK, infer type arguments

Instances of a generic class don't keep track of the type arguments at runtime (i.e., they are erased). This means that generic instances have no space overhead compared to normal class instances.

TODO: generic inheritance, abstract generic classes

Generic type aliases

The module typing defines several aliases for built-in types that allow using the generic type syntax:

  • List[T]: concrete list object with items of type T
  • Dict[K, V]: concrete dict object with keys of type K and values of type V
  • Set[T]: concrete set object with items of type T
  • Pattern[AnyStr]: compiled regular expression
  • Match[AnyStr]: regular expression match object

These aliases are needed since the built-in types do not support indexing. Similar to normal generic classes, they can also be used in an expression context.

Built-in generic ABCs

The typing module defines several generic variants of classes defined in abc.collections:

  • Iterable[T]
  • Iterator[T]
  • Sequence[T]
  • Mapping[T]
  • AbstractSet[T]

It also defines some additional ABCs:

  • IO[AnyStr] (file-like object)

TODO: Describe additional generic ABCs.

String escapes

A type can be escaped as a string literal. For example, "int" should be equivalent to int. This makes it possible to refer to types before they are defined (forward references).

Variable annotations

Python has no syntax for variable annotations, but variable annotations are often useful. Typing defines a helper class Undefined for this purpose. Initializing a variable with Undefined can be used to declare the type of a variable:

from typing import Undefined, List
x = Undefined(List[int])

Now the type of x is declared as List[int]. An Undefined value should not be used at runtime. Any operation on x above would raise an exception. However, passing an Undefined value around is valid, and Python considers x to be defined name. Thus a variable with an Undefined value is different from an undefined name.

Additional features

Type casts

cast(type, x)

This is a no-op function that returns the second argument. It can be used by programmers to tell tools that an expression should be understood to have a given type.

Function overloading

TODO: Describe

Ducktype compatibility

The ducktype(t) class decorator can be used to declare the target class to be duck type compatible with t. The details of what this means are left to be defined by individual tools, but generally the intention is that a type that is duck type compatible with another type should mean roughly that instances of the decorared class and any subclasses are compatible with the type t.

For example, the int class should be duck type compatible with float, since int objects are implicitly valid when floats are expected. Also, float should be duck type compatible with complex.

TODO: Add more examples

Details left unspecified

The semantics of several possible programs behaviors are left undefined. These are out of the scope of this specification:

  • The concept of type compatibility (or subtyping) is intentionally left vague. Exact rules for subtyping, type equivalency, etc. are left to be defined by individual tools.
  • Typing does not specify how tools should behave if annotations are manipulated at runtime. They are free to ignore such modifications.
  • Typing does not specify how tools should behave if names of types or utility functions are modified at runtime. For example, if the int builtin is replaced with float at runtime, a tool can validly interpret references to int to still refer to integers, even the runtime value of the annotation can be float. Also, if the typing.List alias is redefined to point to typing.Set, tools can still understand a List type to refer to a list rather than a set.
  • Implementations can use arbitrary additional criteria to decide whether two types are duck type compatible. However, an implementation should honor @ducktype declarations.
  • Using a string literal annotation may make it impossible to determine the semantic value of the annotation at runtime. A tool is free to ignore or reject some or all string literal types.


Type annotations for Python







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