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Tags: ajunlonglive/ruffle



Toggle nightly-2022-01-21's commit message
avm1: Fix function closures inside `with`

When creating a scope for a closure, any `with` scopes were being
filtered out, but this was incorrect; `with` scopes are still on
the scope chain when the function is called.


Toggle nightly-2022-01-20's commit message
chore: Bump to wgpu 0.12


Toggle nightly-2022-01-19's commit message
html: Fix handling of end tag mismatch

Flash ignores mismatched end tags (i.e. end tags with a missing/different
corresponding start tag). `quick-xml` checks end tag mismatches by
default, but it cannot recover after encountering one.

Commit 7e20543 already disabled
`quick-xml`'s check, but that caused mismatched `Event::End` to be
handled, which may empty `format_stack` and later panic on

Thus, check for mismatched end tags ourselves, in a similar manner
of `quick-xml`, but in a recoverable way.


Toggle nightly-2022-01-17's commit message
web: Add a comment about `ignorePatterns`


Toggle nightly-2022-01-16's commit message
web: Fix `publicPath` when loaded from a CDN

CDNs allow omitting the filename:


That caused `currentScriptURL` to be determined incorrectly:

new URL(".", "").href
// ""

If the filename is omitted, append a slash to prevent the last
component from being dropped:

new URL(".", "").href
// ""


Toggle nightly-2022-01-15's commit message
chore: Publish npm package publicly


Toggle nightly-2022-01-14's commit message
web: Add custom profiles to separate the build cache for the two wasm…

… modules


Toggle nightly-2022-01-13's commit message
extension: Change unsafe-eval to wasm-eval in CSP

`unsafe-eval` was needed in the extension Content Security
Policy to Wasm compilation in Chrome.

This CSP setting causes the extension to get flagged in the
Mozilla Add-On Marketplace, which discourages the use of

However, Chrome has a `wasm-eval` CSP setting which also allows
extensions to compile Wasm without requiring `unsafe-eval`.
Inject this into the extension manifest when building the Chrome

Eventually this may change to `wasm-unsafe-eval` as drafted by
the CSP spec and be required by all browsers.


Toggle nightly-2022-01-12's commit message
web: Migrate to npm workspaces

`lerna` is a bit stale, and as such it currently has some outdated
dependencies which Dependabot warns on.
Fortunately, npm 7 supports monorepos natively, via "workspaces". So
simply replace `lerna` with this feature. The migration is pretty
neat and requires a very little invervention.

Because Node.js 14 comes with npm 6 by default, upgrade it manually
as shown in bahmutov/npm-install#103 (comment).


Toggle nightly-2022-01-11's commit message
core: Remove `Player::is_mouse_down`

Now that `InputManager` tracks the mouse button, it can be used