This material was presented to the Los Angeles JavaScript Meetup, held virtually.
Compass Demo -- This is the script of commands and queries used to demonstrate the usage of MongoDB Compass. Features of this demo include: Schema Browsing Queries in Compass Index creation Query performance optimization Aggregation Building
JS-SDK -- This is a simple API using MongoDB Atlas as a Database backend. Node.js is used to create a simple CRUD API for notes. The node.js driver is used
ShellDemo -- Usage of two of the looping mechanism with MongoDB Cursors and functions are shown to demonstrate the Mongo Shell Javascript ES6 capabilites
VSCode-Demo -- A playgound is contained to show this capability of this new VS Code Extension
GraphQL-React -- The MongoDB MFLIX database is used with a simple React app and GraphQL to query Movie Posters.
Slides -- The PDF of the slides shown in the presentation.