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Fertiscan Frontend

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • npm run dev

    Starts the development server. Open localhost:5173 to view it in your browser. The app will automatically reload if you make changes to the code. You will see build errors and lint warnings in the console.

  • npm run dev:host

    Starts the development server and makes it accessible over your local network.

  • npm run build

    Compiles TypeScript and builds the app for production to the dist folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. Your app is ready to be deployed!

  • npm run lint

    Runs ESLint to find problems in your code.

  • npm run lint:fix

    Runs ESLint to find and fix problems in your code automatically.

  • npm run preview

    Locally previews the production build.

  • npm run test

    Launches the test runner.

  • npm run test:watch

    Launches the test runner in interactive watch mode.

  • npm run test:coverage

    Runs tests and generates a coverage report.

Running the App Using Docker

  • For local testing, build the Docker image with default values: docker build -t fertiscan-frontend .

  • Production build:

docker build \
  --build-arg ARG_API_URL=https://your_api_url \
  -t fertiscan-frontend .
  • Run the image (on port 3001 for example): docker run -p 3001:3000 fertiscan-frontend

Comprehensive Guide for New Users: Uploading a New Label

Welcome to our step-by-step guide designed to help new users like yourself effortlessly add new labels and become familiar with our platform's functionality. Let's get started.

Saving a New Label

Step 1: Accessing the Website

Navigate to

Upon loading the page, you should see the following:

  • image

Step 2: Choosing Upload Method

You have two options to proceed:

  • Use the camera feature
  • Upload a file

To toggle between the camera and file upload options, follow these steps:

Using the Camera Feature
  1. Grant camera access to your browser:

    • image
  2. Click the "Switch" button to activate the camera:

    • image
  3. Once in the camera view, you can switch between front and rear cameras using the camera switch button:

  4. When ready, capture your picture by clicking on "Capture."

Uploading a File
  1. Click on the large upload area:
    • image
  2. Select the desired file from your computer and confirm by clicking "Open."

Step 3: Managing Uploaded Files

Once uploaded, your file will appear in the list where you can:

  • Delete the file by right-clicking it and selecting "Delete" or by clicking the "X" button when you hover over it:

    • image
    • image
  • Rename the file by right-clicking and choosing "Rename." Confirm the new name by clicking "Confirm":

    • image
    • image

Step 4: Submitting Your Label(s)

After uploading all necessary files, click "Submit" at the bottom of the page:

Step 5: Approving Label Information

A new page will display, requiring you to verify each information field:

  • image
  1. Confirm every field by clicking the checkmark next to it. A green indicator on the progress bar signifies approval:

    • image
  2. Click on the progress bar sections to jump to specific fields as needed.

  3. Zoom in on images for a clearer view.

  4. Ensure that all information in each field is accurate.

  5. Any field left unapproved will result in a notification:

    • image

Step 6: Final Confirmation Before Submission

After approving all fields, click on the "Submit" button to proceed:

  1. Review the confirmation page thoroughly:
    • image
  2. If an error is spotted, select "Cancel" to go back.
    • image

Once all information is verified, check the confirmation box at the bottom of the page. The final step is to click "Confirm" to send the new label information to our database.

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to upload and manage new labels on our platform. If you require further assistance or have any questions , don't hesitate to reach out for support.

How to View Saved Labels

This guide will take you through the simple process of viewing all the labels you've previously saved. Follow these easy steps to get started.

Step 1: Accessing the Labels Overview

  1. Locate and click on the second icon in the side menu:

    • image

Step 2: Browsing Your Saved Labels

  1. Upon clicking the icon, you'll be directed to the page displaying all the saved labels:

    • image
  2. Scroll down to review all available labels. Pagination options may be available if you have multiple pages of saved labels.

  3. To see detailed information for a specific label, simply click on the label entry you are interested in.

    • image

How to switch application language

Step 1: Accessing the setting page

  1. Locathe and click on the third icon in the side menu

    • image

Step 2: Change the language

  1. Upon clicking the icon, you'll be directed to the page displaying the setting.
  2. Click on the button to switch the language between French and English.


This repository is for the frontend of the project react







