senv - secure 12-factor env vars for your apps, in any lang, local and remote
~> senv @production
~> SENV=development senv your-development-server.rb
~> export SENV=test
~> senv run-my-tests.go
senv is a command that lets you run other commands under named sets of environment variables. named sets are specified via the @name syntax, or by setting the meta-environment variable SENV. the named set, which is stored locally, but encrypted, will be unpacked before running your process, which can be written in any language, and all the variables for that SENV will be loaded into the process environment. senv stores it's environment files in your project's '.senv' directory so, given:
├── development.enc.json
├── development.json
├── production.enc.json
└── production.json
one can run commands such as
# load all development environment variables, encrypted and non-encrypted,
# before running
~> senv @development
# load the encrypted/non-encrypted SENV named 'production' and run app.js
~> export SENV=production
~> senv app.js
# if no command is given, simply show the @named environment
~> senv @development
~> senv @production | grep DATABASE_URL
the '.senv' directory is searched for 'upwards', similarly to how git finds its '.git' directory, and will normally exist at your project's root. in it are text based config files in .json, .yaml, or .rb format, in both encrypted, and un-encrypted flavors. senv merges them into one set at load time, using the encryption key stored in '.senv/.key'
NOTE: you will never check in your .senv/.key file. ADD IT TO YOUR .gitignore
NOTE: see above^ note. #important
config files can be either non-encrypted, or encrypted. encrpted files are stored with '.enc' in the filename, obviously.
config files can be either non-encrypted, for example 'development.json', or encrypted, as for the filename 'development.enc.json'. for both 'json' and 'yaml' formats, the files must be simple dictionaries/hashes containing key=var pairs, which will be set in the process's environment
so given .senv/development.yaml containing
APP_ENV : development
USE_SSL : false
and .senv/development.enc.yaml containing (albeit as encrypted text)
API_KEY : very-sensitive-info-654321
~> senv @development
will show (or run another command) in this environment
APP_ENV : development
USE_SSL : false
API_KEY : very-sensitive-info-654321
of course, senv also supports management of these files
# encrypt a config file
~> cat /tmp/development.json | senv .write .senv/development.enc.json
# read a config file
~> senv .read .senv/development.enc.json
# edit a config file using the value of $EDITOR like a good unix gal
~> senv .edit .senv/production.enc.rb
note that, in addition to simple yaml, and json files, one can also load '.rb' files, which are parsed with full ruby syntax. and this can massively simplify managing complex sets of environment variables for any application.
this does what you'd expect:
# file : .senv/all.enc.rb
ENV['API_KEY'] = '1234-xyz'
# file : .senv/development.rb
ENV['DB_URL'] = 'db:https://dev-url'