Tinder Style Roommate Finder App
Coming into college, most of us are faced with the irritating dilemma of finding a good roommate. There really are not any good sites to find roommates without going through a lot of hassle.
What if there was an app that could say goodbye to all those hassles and present the user with simplicity and connectivity?
This application works similarly to the Tinder app, where instead of matching with a potential partner, the user will be able to match with a potential roommate. It is targeted towards college students people are looking for roommates. They are able to input their major, hobbies, and other preferences as well as their school or their general location where they are looking for roommates. The app will then generate potential roommates with similar interests for the user to match with, and the user can decide whether they want to reach out to their matches or not.
Name | Role | Drexel ID | Grad Year |
Tapasya Sharma | Database Administrator | ts3296 | 2023 |
Ahnaf An Nafee | Scrum Master / Developer / Technical Designer | aa4247 | 2022 |
Saharsh Vedi | Android / Database Developer | sv598 | 2022 |
Hirali Patel | Product Owner | hp443 | 2023 |
Mahita Tatavarthy | Developer | mt3265 | 2023 |
- flschweiger/SwipeStack: A simple, customizable and easy to use swipeable view stack for Android.
- lopspower/CircularImageView: Create circular ImageView in Android in the simplest way possible.
- MdFarhanRaja/SearchableSpinner: Fully Searchable Spiner Dialog
- bumptech/glide: An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
Roomie is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0 license. View license.