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TempMail API Client

An API client for Temp-Mail service ( )


composer require ahmedghanem00/tempmail-api-client


Client Initialization :

use ahmedghanem00\TempMailClient\Client;

$client = new Client('YOUR_API_TOKEN');

Get Available Domains

Retrieve a fresh data from the server:


Get the cached domains in the client (Domains are cached when client initialized for the first time)


Generate a Random Email

$receiver = $client->generateFullyRandomReceiver();
## OR
$receiver = $client->generateRandomReceiverFromEmailName("my-random-email");

echo $receiver->getFullEmailAddress(); // string "[email protected]" OR "[email protected]"
echo $receiver->getEmailName(); // string "bdmhnjbtyj" OR "my-random-email"
echo $receiver->getEmailDomain(); // string ""

Get email messages

$messages = $receiver->inbox()->retrieveAll();

/* @var $message \ahmedghanem00\TempMailClient\Model\Message */
foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo $message->getSubject(); // string
    echo $message->getText(); // string
    echo $message->getSenderName(); // string "Joe"
    echo $message->getSenderEmail(); // string
    echo $message->getReceiveTimestamp(); // float
    echo $message->getHtml(); // string
    echo $message->getPreview(); // string
    # Message id
    echo $message->getServiceInternalId(); // string
    /* @var $attachment \ahmedghanem00\TempMailClient\Model\Attachment */
    foreach ($message->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
        echo $attachment->getName(); // string
        echo $attachment->getContentType(); // string
        echo $attachment->getSize(); // int
        echo $attachment->getContent(); // string

Retrieve a Specific Message

$message = $receiver->inbox()->retrieveMessage(MessageId: "dk4kdkmv");

Delete a Specific Message

$receiver->inbox()->deleteMessage(MessageId: "dk4kdkmv");


Package is licensed under the MIT License. For more info, You can take a look at the License File