Completely written in Scala programming language, with the help of
What you will find in this repository:
- How to add more abstraction to Slick (here)
- Auto table generation on startup using Slick (here)
- Handling complex forms in Play! (here or here)
- Token-based Authentication using JWT (here)
- Advanced scheduling with akka (here and here)
- Managing concurrent db inserts/updates using akka actors (here)
- Working with shapeless tuples (here) and lenses (here)
- etc.
Currently using H2 db (see here), but you can easily replace it with your favorite db. (More information)
- Source code documentation
- Add more functionalities & features
- Play with Slick thread-pool & connection-pool configurations
- Do some load & performance tests using gatling
- Provide comparison between Slick and Hibernate ORM
# Location
GET /province/list
GET /city/list/:provinceId
# Car Brand & Model
POST /car/brand/add
GET /car/brand/list
GET /car/brand/search/:name
POST /car/model/:brandId/add
GET /car/model/list/:brandId
GET /car/model/search/:brandId/:name
# Auth
POST /auth/login
GET /auth/me
GET /auth/login/list
POST /auth/token
POST /auth/logout
# File
GET /file/:name
# Seller
POST /seller/register
PUT /seller/photo/upload
DELETE /seller/photo/delete
GET /seller/info/:id
GET /seller/info
GET /seller/list
GET /seller/list/:sellerType
GET /seller/list/:location/:locationId
GET /seller/list/:sellerType/:location/:locationId
# Ad
POST /ad/submit
PUT /ad/submit/:id
PUT /ad/cancel/:id
GET /ad/info/:id
PUT /ad/view/:id
PUT /ad/view/phone/:id
GET /ad/list
Note: for more information, please import this dump file to your Postman app.