The purpose of this assignment is to segment a given image using the SLIC pixels algorithm.
You are given a color image and you will apply the OpenCV function createSuperpixelSLIC() to show the picture using superpixels.
SLIC, Simple Linear Iterative Clustering, is a modification of the k-means algorithm. It helps with generating superpixels that are approximately equal in size.
You are given a color picture. Process it using the SLIC pixel algorithm to create superpixels. Experiment with different parameters of the createSuperpixelSLIC function to compute the superpixels.
Algorithm: MSLIC
Region Size: 4
Ruler: 40
Connectivity: 4
Usage: slic.exe [params] template_image target_image
-a, --algorithm (value:MSLIC)
Name of SLIC algorithm variant
- SLIC segments image using a desired region size
- SLICO optimizes using an adaptive compactness factor
- MSLIC optimizes using manifold methods giving more context-sensitive superpixels
-b, --blur (value:true)
Output Image - Blur
-c, --connectivity (value:99)
The minimum element size in percents that should be absorbed into a bigger superpixel
-e, --equalize (value:true)
Output Image - Equalize
-h, --help (value:true)
Show Help Message
-r, --ruler (value:10)
Chooses the enforcement of superpixel smoothness
--region_size, -s (value:8)
Chooses an average superpixel size measured in pixels
--sc, --scale (value:1.6)
Scale input image size using Affine Transform
--sh, --sharpen (value:true)
Output Image - Sharpen
Target image. Provides structure. Defaults to template image.