Plot tabular data from the command line
EUPL 1.2
plotxy 0.2.2
Plots tabular data
plotxy.bak [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [input]
-H, --Header input has header line (see also --skip)
-h, --help Prints help information
-l, --logx plot logarithmic Y-axis
-l, --logy plot logarithmic Y-axis
--svg set output format to svg
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --alpha <alpha> transparancy channel [default: 0.3]
--axis_desc_font <axis_desc_font> axis description font name [default: sans-serif]
--axis_desc_font_size <axis_desc_font_size> axis description font size [default: 22]
-c, --color <color> column index to be used as color facet
-d, --delimiter <delimiter> column delimiter [default: \t]
--gradient <gradient> column index to be used as color gradient facet
--height <height> image width [default: 1200]
--label_font <label_font> label font name [default: sans-serif]
--label_font_size <label_font_size> label font size [default: 24]
-o, --outfile <outfile>
file to save PNG plot to, default append .plotxy.png to input filename
-p, --plot_color <plot_color> default plot color [default: 1E88E5]
--point_size <point_size> point size, radius [default: 3]
--shape <shape> plotting shape: circle, column [default: circle]
-s, --skip <skip> skip lines before header [default: 0]
-t, --title <title> title above the plot, default filename
--title_font <title_font> title font name [default: sans-serif]
--title_font_size <title_font_size> title font size [default: 24]
--width <width> image width [default: 2560]
-x, --x <x> column index to be used as X [default: 1]
--x_dim_max <x_dim_max> maximum X dimension
--x_dim_min <x_dim_min> minimum X dimension [default: 0.0]
--xdesc <xdesc> x-axis label [default: X]
--xdesc_area <xdesc_area> x-axis label area size [default: 70]
-y, --y <y> column index to be used as Y [default: 2]
--y_dim_max <y_dim_max> maximum Y dimension
--y_dim_min <y_dim_min> minimum Y dimension [default: 0.0]
--ydesc <ydesc> y-axis label [default: Y]
--ydesc_area <ydesc_area> y-axis label area size [default: 100]
<input> optional file with on entry per line [default: STDIN]