Tools to load TMS data from the legacy matlab protocols into Matlab or Python
clone the repository with
and pip install -e .
Requires a Matlab installation with valid registration.
If you want to read the MEP traces from an old matfile into Python, you can do as follows:
from matprot.convert.traces import convert_mat, cut_into_traces
content = convert_mat("path_to.mat")
# e.g. [[array(['EDC_L'], dtype='<U5') array(['BB_L'], dtype='<U4')
# array(['EDC_R'], dtype='<U5')]]
# convert the array of onset sample indices into a list of integers
onsets = [onset[0] for onset in content['stim_onset']]
# select an existing channel, and
# cut from 100 before to 100 samples after each onset
traces = cut_into_traces(content, "EDC_L", 100, 100, onsets)