This project is a real-time monitoring built with Angular for the web frontend, SignalR for real-time data communication, and Flutter for the mobile application. The dashboard displays real-time data updates in charts and allows downloading data in CSV format.
- Real-time data updates using SignalR
- Line charts for visualizing data
- Download chart data as CSV
- Angular for the web dashboard
- Flutter for the mobile application with Bloc state management and queue structure
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- .NET SDK (for SignalR backend)
- Flutter SDK
Clone the repository and navigate to the backend directory:
git clone <repository-url> cd <repository-directory>/backend
Restore the .NET dependencies:
dotnet restore
Run the SignalR server:
dotnet run
Navigate to the Angular directory:
cd ../angular/monitoring-angular
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Install additional types:
npm install --save-dev @types/d3-shape @types/d3-scale @types/d3-selection
Start the Angular application:
ng serve
Open your browser and navigate to
Navigate to the Flutter directory:
cd ../flutter/monitoring_flutter
Install the dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the Flutter application:
flutter run
The SignalR backend handles real-time communication between the server and clients.
- MyHub.cs: Defines the SignalR hub for handling client connections and broadcasting messages.
- Program.cs: Configures the SignalR middleware and starts the application.
The Angular application displays real-time data in charts and allows downloading the data as CSV.
- SignalrService: Handles SignalR connection and real-time data updates.
- LineChartComponent: Displays real-time data in charts and allows downloading data as CSV.
- AppComponent: Manages the state and updates for the charts.
The Flutter application uses Bloc state management and a queue structure to manage and display real-time data.
- PublishDataService: Handles SignalR connection and data publishing for real-time updates.
- DataBloc: Manages the state and events for real-time data using Bloc pattern.
- AppComponent: Displays real-time charts and manages user interactions.
The Flutter application uses Bloc state management to handle the state of the data streams and queue structure to manage incoming data.
- DataState: Defines the state including streaming status and data queues.
- DataEvent: Defines events like
, andUpdateData
. - DataBloc: Handles the business logic for managing data streams and state transitions.
The Flutter application uses a queue to store incoming data points and ensures the chart displays the most recent data within a defined limit.
This project demonstrates a real-time monitoring dashboard with Angular and SignalR for the web, and Flutter for the mobile application. The dashboard provides real-time data updates, visualization in charts, and data download functionality.