A minimal web app to serve static assets stored in Google Clould storage buckets via HTTP.
I ended up writing this as I couldn't find a viable way to expose GCS objects via HTTP while at the same time enforcing some form of authentication/authorisation. Hence I have resorted to writing a simple app to proxy HTTP requests to one or several Google cloud storage bucket while restricting access to only members of a given domain/organisation using Google Auth.
# Build the executable
go build -o bin/gcs-proxy main/main.go
# running supplying the configuration file as it's sole argument
./bin/gcs-proxy config.toml
# Build docker image
docker build -t afiore/gcs-proxy:latest .
# Run containerized gcs-proxy making sure you mount a volume with the .toml file e.g.
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd):/tmp afiore/gcs-proxy:latest /tmp/config.toml
# supply your Google service account file and deploy the app through the provided Helm chart
GCP_SA=$(cat /path/to/my/gcp_sa.json|base64 -w 0)
helm install gcs-proxy charts/gcs-proxy/ --set gcp_sa_base64=$GCP_SA --set gcs_proxy.oauth.client_id=$CLIENT_ID --set gcs_proxy.oauth.client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET --set gcs_proxy.oauth.session_secret=$SESSION_SECRET
The program expects a few mandatory configuration parameters to be supplied a .toml
Please refer to config.toml
for a sample of the available configurable parameters.