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Installing Cosgo server

aerth edited this page Jun 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

It is now very easy to install and use cosgo.

export GOPATH=/tmp/go
go get -d -v -u
cd /tmp/go/src/
make && sudo make install
unset GOPATH

This downloads and builds latest source. The sudo make install bit installs a default template and static directories to /usr/local/cosgo, and installs the binary to /usr/local/bin/

Running cosgo is easy. To get started, just type "cosgo -debug" and open up http:https://localhost:8080

There are a grip of flags, for customizing how cosgo runs.

How to enroll a (seconf) config file: cosgo config

Here is an example for usage with fastcgi and using a config file: cosgo -fastcgi -config

With no flags, cosgo shows the default template with a contact form. You can get fancy with it.

cosgo -fastcgi -config -port 8001 -bind -gpg my-public-key.asc -pages=true -nolog -quiet -files=false -resolvemail=true -static=false

(The first config you make, you might as well just hit ENTER twelve times to try it out with no password)

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