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Jorrit Mesman edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the LakeEnsemblR wiki!

LakeEnsemblR (LER) is a collaborative project across many countries and hydrodynamic model developers and users. Our goal is to develop an R package that:

  1. Facilitates easy setup and configuration of model files
  2. Allows the running of all models provided with standardised input files
  3. Standardises model output and provides tools for convenient post-processing in R
  4. Calibration routines to improve model performance by automatically adjusting selected meteorological scaling factors and model parameters
  5. Aggregate and allow for ensemble averaging to account for different sources of uncertainty between models

Here is where we will collate information about the requirements for setting up LakeEnsemblR for your site.

Want to add your model to LakeEnsemblR?

Do you have a lake model that you have developed and would like it to be incorporated into this package? Please contact us! We want to include as many lake models as possible to bring them all into the ring and allow for the different model parameterizations to be tested in a coherent setup. Email: aemonj.models[at]

Figure 1. Example of LakeEnsemblR output.