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[DOC] Understanding ManagedServiceBuilder to create Microservices in QBit that support Docker, Heroku, Swagger, Consul, and StatsD with near 0 config

Richard Hightower edited this page Aug 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

QBit integrates easily with Consul, StatsD and Swagger. In addition QBit has its own health system, stats engine, and meta-data engine.

Swagger is for code generations of REST clients in Python, Java, Ruby, Scala, etc. Consul is for health monitoring and service discovery (among other things). StatsD is for microservice health monitoring.

To make configuring QBit easier we did two things: 1) we added support for Spring Boot (which we have not released yet), and 2) we created the ManagedServiceBuilder, which we will show below.

The ManagedServiceBuilder simplifies construction of QBit endpoints by registering all services and endpoints with the system service so that they are shut down correctly when you CTRL-C or kill an app gracefully.

In addition ManagedServiceBuilder allows enabling of StatsD, Swagger, and Consul in one simple step. By default, ManagedServiceBuilder is configured to run in an environment like Docker or Heroku.

Let's show a simple example:

Hello World REST service in QBit

package com.mammatustech;

import io.advantageous.qbit.admin.ManagedServiceBuilder;
import io.advantageous.qbit.annotation.RequestMapping;

public class HelloWorldService {

    public String hello() {
        return "hello " + System.currentTimeMillis();

    public static void main(final String... args) {
        final ManagedServiceBuilder managedServiceBuilder =

        /* Start the service. */
        managedServiceBuilder.addEndpointService(new HelloWorldService())

        /* Start the admin builder which exposes health end-points and meta data. */

        System.out.println("Servers started");


The above is a simple REST service. It has one REST method.

Hello REST method

public class HelloWorldService {

    public String hello() {
        return "hello " + System.currentTimeMillis();

QBit uses the same style REST methods as Spring MVC REST support. QBit only supports JSON as body params and return types.

The gradle file to compile this is as follows:


group 'qbit-ex'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'java'

compileJava {
    sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
    compile group: 'io.advantageous.qbit', name: 'qbit-admin', version: '0.8.16-RC2-SNAPSHOT'
    compile group: 'io.advantageous.qbit', name: 'qbit-vertx', version: '0.8.16-RC2-SNAPSHOT'


Change the version to a release after 0.8.16 or build the snapshot.

The main method starts up the end point on port 8080 and then starts up an Admin Server on PORT 7777.

Main method starts up endpoint and admin server


    public static void main(final String... args) {
        final ManagedServiceBuilder managedServiceBuilder =

        /* Start the service. */
        managedServiceBuilder.addEndpointService(new HelloWorldService())

        /* Start the admin builder which exposes health end-points and meta data. */

        System.out.println("Servers started");


Since this class has a main method, you should be able to run it from your IDE. The admin server exposes health end-points and meta-data. The default port for an end point is 8080, but you can override it by setting the environment variable PORT or WEB_PORT.

By default, we enable endpoints to manage the server for health, and stats that works in a Heroku or Docker environment. There are methods on ManagedServiceBuilder to disable health checks, etc. There are also methods on ManagedServiceBuilder to turn on StatsD and Consul support.

Let's look at the endpoints we have exposed so far.

Actual Service end point

$ curl http:https://localhost:8080/root/hello/hello
"hello 1438470713526"

Swagger meta endpoint

$ curl http:https://localhost:7777/__admin/meta/
    "swagger": "2.0",
    "info": {
        "title": "application title goes here",
        "description": "Description not set",
        "contact": {
            "name": "ContactName not set",
            "url": "Contact URL not set",
            "email": "[email protected]"
        "version": "0.1-NOT-SET",
        "license": {
            "name": "licenseName not set",
            "url": "http:"
    "host": "localhost:8888",
    "basePath": "/root",
    "schemes": [
    "consumes": [
    "produces": [
    "paths": {
        "/hello/hello": {
            "get": {
                "operationId": "hello",
                "produces": [
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "returns",
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "string"

You can import the above into the Swagger editor and generate clients in Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Java, C# and more. By the way, there are ways to configure all the parameters that say "set me" or some variation of the above.

There is a health endpoint to make working in Docker and Heroku easy or other similar cloud environments (EC2, VMWare cloud, OpenStack).

Health system endpoint

$ curl http://localhost:8080/__health

This deceptively easy end-point will check every endpoint server, service, service queue, etc. to see if they are healthy and you can register your own health checks. This is not just your REST services but all of the IO services, nano services, etc. that they depend on. We could write a whole article on just the HealthService, which is preconfigured with ManagedServiceBuilder.

Other end points of note

Admin Endpoint ok

 $ curl http:https://localhost:7777/__admin/ok

The above Returns true if all registered health systems are healthy.

A node is a service, service bundle, queue, or server endpoint that is being monitored.

All nodes by name (health and unhealthy)

    $ curl http:https://localhost:7777/__admin/all-nodes/

List healthy nodes by name

 $ curl http:https://localhost:7777/__admin/healthy-nodes/

List complete node information

$ curl http:https://localhost:7777/__admin/load-nodes/

List stats information for Heroku and Docker style environments

 $ curl http:https://localhost:8080/__stats/instance


Let's say you want to use Consul. There is one method to enable it.

Enabling Consul

        managedServiceBuilder.enableConsulServiceDiscovery("dc1", "localhost", 8500);

If you want to use the default host and port:

Enabling Consul with on argument


Just do the above before you create your first endpoint server or service queue. The main endpoint will automatically register with Consul and periodically check-in health. It will even check with the internal health system to see if all of the nodes (service queues, endpoints etc.) are healthy and pass that information to Consul.

Enabling StatsD

Enabling StatsD is also easy

Enabling StatsD


Just do the above before you create your first endpoint server or service queue. There are default stats gathered for all Service Queues and Endpoint servers.

ManagedServiceBuilder is one stop shopping to writing a cloud friendly microservices in QBit.




Getting Started




Callbacks and Reactor

Event Bus



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