The results (.trec) files are located under eval/runs.
- ae/me - automatic evaluation or manual evaluation. For ae, we use raw utterances, and manual_rewritten_utterances for me.
- cq# - context query, the number of previous queries that get prepended to the query before query reformulation.
- cr# - context responses, same as above but for system responses.
- rr[T/F] - reranking, T(true) if reranking is used, else F(false).
- rs[T/F] - remove stopwords, same as above but for stopword removal
- base/d2q - type of index.baseis the index with no processing of passages, whereas d2q has doc2query performed on a fraction of MS MARCO.
A requirements file requirements.txt is located at root level. Take care in using this. PyGaggle and Transformers may not play nicely with each other. If torch has problems running, install torch==1.7.0 even though PyGaggle wants a newer version.
Under src, there are two notebooks for indexing, one with docT5query and on without.
Under src there are two python files. and these files are self contained. Some example of how to use the code is shown in the main sections.