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WorkGenius WebHook Mandrill

Python-Versions pip-Version flask-Version redis-Version flask-socketio pytest-Version mock-Version black-Version isort-Version flake8-Version mypy-Version

WorkGenius Assignment is a Flask Backend application that listens to POST requests from Mandrill and send Websockets data to connected clients. In fact, Mandrill sends a standard HTTP post request with the parameter mandrill_events which is a JSON Array of webhooks events, messages events in particular. The Backend now listens and process this JSON data. First, it stores into a Redis cache and then sends this information to the connected clients via Websockets.

To resolve this problem, we have used flask, flask-socketio, redis , socketIO , black , isort , mypy , flake8 , pytest and mock.

  • flask: among the best python web frameworks, it perfectly suits our situation because it is lightweight and for small projects.
  • flask-socketio: our backend server needs to support Websockets. Flask does, by the use of this extension.
  • redis: we are using redis for caching. It helps us to store all our messages.
  • socketIO: through this library, the client sends and receives data to/from the server.
  • pytest: helps us to test our routes and socket events.
  • mock: patchs redis store methods to avoid persistence while testing.
  • black: our python code formatter tool.
  • isort: sorts our imports alphabetically, and automatically separates into section and by type.
  • flake8: our python linting tool.
  • mypy: our python type checker tool.

To run my Backend solution, you must have python, pip, redis-server installed in your system and configure the redis server with our flask application.

To clone my code, run the command below in the CLI

git clone ""

You can also download the project by clicking the link WorkGenius webhook

After downloading the code, open the CLI in the root directory and execute the command :

pip install -r requirements.txt

NB: "requirements.txt is a file which contains all the project dependencies"

After all the project dependencies are installed, run the command

python # on Windows


python3 # on Linux and Mac

To run the Redis server, follow this link Install & Run Redis

NB: The server generally starts on the port 5000

  • The CLient is a simple index.html page that is served by the flask backend from the endpoint /. You can access through the link CLient App

Before starting coding, we have to understand the problem and think of the solution. We have structured our project as follow :

  • Choose a great backend framework that supports websockets : Flask for instance
  • Create customs events to dispatch upon connection and send data action
  • Mandrill is sending an array of events. We need to send less and readable information to the client. See this function count_messages_by_event
  • A simple cache server : Redis for instance

To solve the problem, we did some hypothesis:

We used flask, socketIO and redis to:

  • listen for connection with Client and log successfully connection messages
  • create POST endoint /message-events to process data sent from Mandrill
  • store all the messages events in redis(check db/ For each message, the redis key associated is the _id of the message
  • compute the JSON array and regroup it by event type. See the count_messages_by_event function in helpers/
  • send the obtained dictionnary to the client
  • display on client
  • After running the server with python and having the serving listening on 5000, you can walk through the endpoint / and you will see the client

Client Page

  • A connection is then established between client and the server. The server receives data from the client upon connection. You can check the logs on server and you will see : helpers.logger - INFO - Client is connected with message : {'data': "Client's connected!"}
  • To simulate a POST request from Mandrill, I will send the following payload to the API

Mandrill Payload

  • Two messages are logs by the server, respectively upon redis persistence confirmation and notification events sent to client. helpers.logger - INFO - Mandrills Events successfully stored on Redis and helpers.logger - INFO - Events sent to Client
  • The client then displays the number of emails for each type of event

Client receives events messages

Tests were performed in the project. Please see under tests/. You need to have pytest installed in your environment before running tests.

pytest tests/

We can add more security to this application with these two options :

  • Add CORS on the POST route to only allow receiving requests from I intentionnaly omit it for testing purposes
  • Mandrill recommends authenticating webhook requests by comparing signatures. See the link below Authenticating WebHook Requests

Even though my code is solving the problem, I have some performance and resources used issues. To optimize my solution, I think

  • implement connection Pool to handle multiple connections
  • In case, we have different types of information to share among different types of users/clients: implement rooms to group certain types of users
  • control the amoung of data store on redis as Redis is having some size limit
  • Add Celery to process redis storage. In fact, when storing messages in redis, it is better to pass this task to a seperate worker.