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A highly extensible genetic algorithm library for JavaScript


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genie.js is a highly flexible, data-agnostic, and UI-independent Genetic Algorithm library written in JavaScript by Adrian Perea.

Why Genie.js?

Current implementations of GA in JavaScript either:

  • Make too many assumptions about your data (no flexibility)
  • Make too little assumptions about your data (too much flexibility)

Having too little flexibility limits the problems the library can solve. Having too much flexibility introduces more surface area for problems. An ideal API, then, is:

  • flexible enough so different data models can be accomodated
  • rigid enough that problems from different domains are abstracted and worked with

This is precisely the API genie.js offers. Now you can focus on only writing code that concerns your problem. Leave the rest to genie. 😉

Furthermore, genie doesn't make any assumptions about your UI. Lifecycle Hooks allow you to plug and play any UI that you choose.


Simply install from npm:

npm install --save @adrianperea/genie.js

Example Usage

Genie makes use of three primitive elements:

  • Simulation: responsible for running the GA loop
  • Individual: a container for Chromosomes (contains one or more)
  • Chromosome: a container for genes

Let's see how we can use these elements to build the quintessential GA example: the phrase guesser. Here, we'll let the algorithm guess the phrase: to be or not to be. (Just want the code? You can see the full implementation in /examples!)

1) Do the necessary imports

  const genie = require('@adrianperea/genie.js');
  const { Simulation, Individual, Chromosome } = genie;

2) Create a Chromosome instance.

A Chromosome needs a length and a generate() method. length determines how many genes the Chromosome has, and the generate() method determines how each gene is randomly generated. In our case, we want each gene to be a randomly generated lower-case letter. Our generate function is then:

const generate = () => {
  const charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '; 
                                          // ^ don't forget that space!
  const randomChar = charset[Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)];
  return randomChar;

We then creat the Chromosome as follows:

// define our target first
const target = 'to be or not to be'
const myChromosome = new Chromosome(target.length, generate);
                                 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We want each of our chromosomes to
                                 //               be as long as our target

// We can also do it like this
const myChromome = new Chromosome(
  () => {
    const charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ';
    const randomChar = charset[Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)];
    return randomChar;

This is our chromosome prototype. It doesn't have genes yet. But genie will use this to create lower letter characters (remember our generate function?) to produce genes with a length of 18 (len('to be or not to be') === 18).

If our Chromosome has a length of 4, we can expect genes to have the following form:

  • ['a', 'b', 'a', 'z']
  • ['t', 'w', 'v', 'm']

Note: A Chromosome also accepts a third argument mutate(). By default, each gene that should undergo mutation will just call the generate() method. See: Override the Mutate Method below.

3) Creating an Individual

An Individual is, at the minimum, a composition of one or more Chromosomes. Most use cases (like ours) only need one Chromosome:

const individual = new Individual(myChromosome);

More complex use cases might require more than one chromosome, and for each of those chromosomes to perform crossover and mutation independently. Genie makes this simple. Just pass an array of Chromosomes to the individual.

As a contrived example, say we wanted to guess two phrases:

const individual = new Individual([myChromosome, myChromosome]);

// or alternatively
const individual = new Individual();

Each chromosome then behaves independently. Neat!

4) Creating the simulation

  1. Extend the Simulation class. You can override many methods of a Simulation, but as the bare minimum, you need to override the calculateFitness() method. A common (but not necessary) override is shouldFinish(), which determines if our target condition has already been met. Let's see how we can use both of these:
class PhraseGuesser extends Simulation {
  calculateFitness(individual, data) {
    const fitness = individual
        (current, gene, i) =>
          gene === ? current + 1 : current,

    return fitness /;

  shouldFinish(top) {
    return === 1;

Let's break down what's happening with calculateFitness().

  1. This method is called for each Individual in our population, and it's passed a reference to the current Individual, and custom data we pass our Simulation. In this case (as we will see later), we pass our target.
  2. It calls the Individual's getDna() method to get a reference to the Chromosome we passed it earlier (now with genes!). This returns the genes automatically, as an array of single lower letter characters of length 18. (e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c', ... , 'r']). Since we only have one Chromosome, we call getDna(0).
  3. We call reduce and compare each gene with each character of the target. We add 1 if it matches, and 0 otherwise.
  4. We then normalize the fitness by dividing it by the length of our target.

shouldFinish() is much simpler:

  • After each Individual's fitness is calculated, this is called with the top individual (by default, the Individual with the highest fitness).
  • If true is returned, the Simulation is finished. If false, generate a new population.
  • By default, always returns false, i.e., stop once we reach our generation limit.

5) Starting the Simulation

We first create a config object that we will pass to the Simulation. There are many options that you can pass here, but let's stick to the minimum:

const config = {
  prototype: individual, // this will be the model of all other invidividuals in the population
  data: { target }, // custom data that's passed to calculateFitness()

Now, we can create and start our Phrase Guesser:

const sim = new PhraseGuesser(config)

If you run the program now, it's going to run the algorithm in the background, but you won't be able to see anything.

At this point, our data layer is finished. Genie doesn't make any assumptions about your UI, so it provides a generic interface to get the data.

Genie makes it simple to plug in your own UI implementation through lifecycle hooks: data change listeners that bubble up to the UI layer. We can implement our hooks by passing them in the configuration. There are a few hooks available, but for now let's use this onCalculateFitness() hook. Update your config object:

const config = {
  prototype: individual,
  data: { target },
  onCalculateFitness(state) {

Finally, run the simulation again:

const sim = new PhraseGuesser(config)

It's working now! Great! You can view the full source code in /examples

Note: You can learn more about the other config options and the lifecycle hooks below.

Config Options

The following canbe passed to Simulation. Note that only prototype is required, but most use cases should also include data and onCalculateFitness.

Name Data Type Required Description
prototype Individual Yes The model for all other Individual's in the population
data Any No (common) Additional data for the simulation. Passed to calculateFitness()
popSize Int No The number of individuals in the population (default: 100)
maxGenerations Int No The number of generations to create (default: 1000)
numParents Int No The number of to consider for crossover (default: popSize)
selection Function No The function used for parent selection (default: Roulette Wheel Selection)
crossover Function No The function used for crossover (default: One Point Crossover)
mutationRate float No The rate of mutation (default: 0.01)
optimizer Function No The function used to determine which individual is "more fit" (default: Maximizer)
elitism Function No Flag for elitism. If true, the top N (= numParents) individuals will be retained for the next population (default: false)
onInit Function No Lifecycle Hook. Called after the population is initiated. (default: null)
onUpdate Function No Lifecycle Hook. Called after the data model is updated. (default: null)
onCalculateFitness Function No (common) Lifecycle Hook. Called after the fitnesses of each individual have been calculated. (default: null)
onFinish Function No Lifecycle Hook. Called after the simulation is finished. (default: null)

See Genetic Operators section below for other options for selection, crossover, and optimizer

Lifecycle Hooks and State

Each lifecycle hook returns the state object. It has the follow keys:

name description
population a reference to the current population
currentGeneration the current generation number
top the top individual for the current generation
averageFitness average fitness for all individuals
maxGenerations the maximum generations specified in the config object
popSize the population size specified in the config objectg
history provides state information of previous generations

Do you need custom state? See Overridding Simulation Methods section.

Overriding Simulation Methods

name required input return description
calculateFitness Yes individual, data number Called with an individual and custom data passed to the config. Calculates the fitness of each individual. Return with the fitness value assigned to the individual.
init No none none Instantiate custom data inside the class. Called after population is initialized.
getState No none object Define additional data to be returned when lifecycle methods are called. This gets combined with state
update No none boolean (default: true) Override to update your custom data model. Return true to signal that the data model is already updated and that the program should proceed to calculating fitnesses. Return false to call the update loop again.By default, just returns true.
reset No none none Override to reset your custom data model. Called before a new generation is created and if the simulation is not yet finished.
shouldFinish No top boolean (default: false) Return true to terminate the simulation. Returns false by default, which makes the simulation run until max generations are reached.

Genetic Operators

Selection Methods

name library reference description
Roulette Wheel Selection Select each parent by simulating a spin of the roulette wheel with chances weighted by an Individual's fitness
Stochastic Universal Sampling Similar to RouletteWheel selection, but provides evenly spaced points in which parents are selected. Allows lesser fit individuals to be chosen.

Crossover Methods

name library reference description
One Point Swaps genes between an individual point. First parent's genes are used first.
Two Point Swaps genes between two different points. First parent's genes are used at the head and tail.
Uniform 50-50% chance to select a gene from either parent for each gene.


name library reference description
Maximizer Individual's with higher fitness are "more fit".
Minimizer Individual's with lower fitness are "more fit".

Overriding Mutate

By default, mutate is called for each gene of a Chromosome. In our example above, if we wanted to only mutate one gene per round, we can do the following:

const generate = () => {
    const charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ';
    const randomChar = charset[Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)];
    return randomChar;

const mutate = (genes, rate) => {
  if (Math.random() < rate) {
    const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * genes.length);
    return, i) => i === randomIndex ? generate() : gene)

const myChromosome = new Chromosome(


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


genie.js was written by Adrian Perea.

Follow me on Twitter! You can also reach out to me on [email protected]




A highly extensible genetic algorithm library for JavaScript







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