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Social blogging app

Bright Ideas is a blogging app that helps people free their thoughts and share ideas with everyone. It was built with React, firebase, react-router, redux and redux-thunk, material-ui and react-quill.

Getting started

You can view a live demo over at

To get the frontend running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • npm install to install all required dependencies
  • npm start to start the local server (this project uses create-react-app)

Features/functionality overview

This app is a social blogging site called "Bright Ideas". It uses firebase for all requests, including authentication.


  • React (create-react-app)
  • react-router
  • firebase
  • material-ui
  • redux + redux-thunk
  • react-quill

General functionality:

  • SPA application with public and private routes
  • Authenticate users via JWT (Sign Up / Sign In / Sign Out pages)
  • Auth Persistence with Local Storage
  • Reset password page and change password from Profile Settings page
  • Database with CRUD Users, Notes, Posts (add/update comments on posts)

The general page breakdown:

  • Home page (url: '/')
    • App introduction
    • List of all shared public blog posts
    • Because some of the posts are lengthy, Home page shows an excerpt instead of the full post, which makes it easier for public to browse content in one place.
    • If users see a teaser that grabs their attention, they can click on the title, or 'read more' and navigate to a nested route to see the full post. Here, public can also view and add comments.
    • See author's post profile information
  • Sign up / Sign in / Sign out / Reset Password pages (url: '/signin', '/signup', '/reset')
    • Store the token in localStorage
    • Create user object inside 'users' collection
    • Handle inputs validation and catch firebase back-end errors
  • Notepad page (url: '/notepad')
    • Create new note and delete note functionality.
    • Text editor that updates database real-time, with the help of a debounce function to reduce database requests
    • Share note publicly as a blog post (able to share it anonymously or with your name and profile information)
  • Profile Settings page (url: '/profile')
    • Update avatar icon, full name, about information.
    • Update password. Delete account permanently


   This project was approached to learn connecting React with a database and manipulate data from it. Google's Firebase cloud-based database was a perfect fit for React, as it offers handling user authentication and hosting service besides storing and retrieving real-time data.

   From the beginning, I haven’t identified what exactly had to be build nor determine the desired outcome. With this in mind, features were implemented on the fly. First I developed a notepad page that updates live with firebase database. Secondly, i've decided to add user authentication and authorization to handle login, sign up, reset password and manage routes with react-router for single-page application purposes.

   Now, after getting some exposure to React with Firebase and building some complexity, managing state shared across components became difficult and messy. I’ve decided to integrate Redux and Redux-thunk middleware to handle asynchronous actions.

   Lastly, to make this app more challenging, it came to mind building a blog app interrelated to the existing components. Giving users an option to share notes that they maintained was the first thing to do. After that i’ve created a public page with a list of all shared notes (as posts) and nested routes for each shared note. Last but not least, i had to let user / post's author control his public profile information by building Profile settings page and interrelating it to sibling components.


Please submit bug fixes or features via pull requests & feedback via issues.

Ideas/suggestions to implement:

  • Option (checkbox) in Profile Settings to hide user's email from public
  • Ask for password when deleting account
  • Automated tests
  • Share notes via email / social media
  • Share posts via email / social media
  • ...

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Note taking app created with react.js and firebase






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