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cranasta edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Web Apps SDK for Adobe Business Catalyst wiki!

Web Apps SDK for Adobe Business Catalyst allows web developers to create custom client-side applications that leverage the Business Catalyst system APIs. Used inside any Adobe Business Catalyst site, these applications can enhance the standard functionality and experience of the site.

Getting started

Here are some resources that should get you introduced to Web Apps SDK:

Using Web Apps SDK

Want to learn more about it?

Want to see some examples?

Want to build your own app and include the Web Apps SDK?

Developing for Web Apps SDK

Setup dev environment

For setting up bcapi.js project development environment follow the steps below:

  • install Git on your computer
  • install NodeJS on your computer (optional)
  • launch a command line / terminal
  • git clone
  • cd sdk
  • Download
  • Unpack into sdk folder.
  • npm install -d
  • Generate documentation:
    • ./node_modules/.bin/grunt jsdoc
    • Access doc/index.html (for getting started)
  • Run unit tests (works on Linux and Mac OS):
    • ./run_specs <browsers absolute path comma separated values> (e.g: ./run_specs /usr/bin/google-chrome,/usr/bin/firefox)
  • Run integration tests (works on Linux and Mac OS)
    • ./run_integration <browsers absolute path comma separated values> (e.g: ./run_integration /usr/bin/google-chrome,/usr/bin/firefox)
  • Generate a bcapi distribution:
    • ./node_modules/.bin/grunt concat uglify:bcapi_dist
    • Access dist/bcapi-full.js (non minified version of bcapi)
    • Access dist/bcapi-full.min.js (minified version of bcapi)

Contributing code


We will be carefully reviewing every contribution. Read more about code review guidelines.
