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Face recognition is among the most productive image processing applications and has a pivotal role in the technical field. Recognition of the human face is an active issue for authentication purposes specifically in the context of attendance of students. Attendance system using face recognition is a procedure of recognizing students by using face biostatistics based on the high definition monitoring and other computer technologies. The development of this system is aimed to accomplish digitization of the traditional system of taking attendance by calling names and maintaining pen-paper records. Present strategies for taking attendance are tedious and time-consuming. Attendance records can be easily manipulated by manual recording. The traditional process of making attendance and present biometric systems are vulnerable to proxies. This paper is therefore proposed to tackle all these problems. The proposed system makes the use of Haar classifiers, KNN, CNN, SVM, Generative adversarial networks, and Gabor filters. After face recognition attendance reports will be generated and stored in excel format. The system is tested under various conditions like illumination, head movements, the variation of distance between the student and cameras. After vigorous testing overall complexity and accuracy are calculated. The Proposed system proved to be an efficient and robust device for taking attendance in a classroom without any time consumption and manual work. The system developed is cost-efficient and need less installation.



In today's networked world, the need to maintain the security of information or physical property is becoming both increasingly important and increasingly difficult. From time to time we hear about the crimes of credit card fraud, computer break-in’s by hackers, or security breaches in a company or government building.

In most of these crimes, the criminals were taking advantage of a fundamental flaw in the conventional access control systems: the systems do not grant access by "who we are", but by "what we have", such as ID cards, keys, passwords, PIN numbers, or mother's maiden name.

None of these means are really defining us. Recently, technology became available to allow verification of "true" individual identity. This technology is based in a field called "biometrics".

Biometric access control are automated methods of verifying or recognizing the identity of a living person on the basis of some physiological characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features, or some aspects of the person's behavior, like his/her handwriting style or keystroke patterns. Since biometric systems identify a person by biological characteristics, they are difficult to forge. Face recognition is one of the few biometric methods that possess the merits of both high accuracy and low intrusiveness. It has the accuracy of a physiological approach without being intrusive. For this reason, since the early 70's (Kelly, 1970), face recognition has drawn the attention of researchers in fields from security, psychology, and image processing, to computer vision.

Face recognition systems are part of facial image processing applications and their significance as a research area are increasing recently. Implementations of system are crime prevention, video surveillance, person verification, and similar security activities. The face recognition system implementation will be part of humanoid robot project at Atılım University. The goal is reached by face detection and recognition methods. Knowledge-Based face detection methods are used to find, locate and extract faces in acquired images. Implemented methods are skin color and facial features. Neural network is used for face recognition. RGB color space is used to specify skin color values, and segmentation decreases searching time of face images. Facial components on face candidates are appeared with implementation of LoG filter. LoG filter shows good performance on extracting facial compoments under different illumination conditions. FFNN is performed to classifiy to solve pattern recongition problem since face recognition is a kind of pattern recognition. Classification result is accurate. Classification is also flexible and correct when extracted face image is small oriented, closed eye, and small smiled

This project contains three files

User Interface and

All the front-end code is written here.This file contains the UI of our project and the execution begins from here. All the calls to other method will be made from here.


All the code that interacts with the database is written here.we have a database which store new registration details and perform all database related operation like insertion, deletion, and searching some entities.


The is used to send email on the registered email of admin or when admin want's to change their password.

This project is our college minor project, created in group with


Attendance System Using Face Recognition






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