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This project is the frontend of a full stack e-commerce web application. You could find the backend api Catagonia E-commerce api here.

You can find play with the frontend live here: Catagonia


This project is meant for practing and learning purposes.


  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Toolkit
  • RTK Query
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Flowbite
  • Flowbite React
  • React Hook Form
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest
  • Notistack
  • React Router Dom

Getting started


  • Node.js
  • npm or yarn
  • git


  1. Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:actuallyyun/frontend-project.git
  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Setup the enviroment

The project implements login with google function. You have to acquire a google client id and add it to the .env file. Please write to Yun Ji for the API credentials.

  1. Start the development server
yarn start

To run test, use the following command:

yarn test


This project adopts a Clean Architecture approach, so you could find the first basic elements:

UI layer

  • Components: This folder contains the basic UI elements. You should add any UI element inside this folder, with it's logic and the respective CSS file module(if needed).Each component resides next to its data flow logic, and it's test file.

  • Pages: This folder contains the main pages of the application. Each page should have its own folder.

Service layer

This is the layer that communicates the application with the outer world, and the one that would be coupled with almost any 3rd party provider, framework, etc. In this case, the service layer is implemented with RTK Query, which is a powerful data fetching and caching tool.

misc folder

type, utility functions, and other miscellaneous files are stored here.

test folder

Reusable test utilities and custom render functions are stored here.

Data flow

User auth data flow

flowchart TD

    A[Account] -->B{Is logged? }
    B -->|Yes| C(Profile page)
    B -->|No| D(Auth page)
    D -->|has account|E(login)
    D-->|no account|F(register)
    D-->|other|G(login with google)
    E-->H(Save auth token,user info to redux store)
    H-->|reload|I(retrieve auth token from localstorage and set user redux store state)
    I-->|login user successfully|J(user is true and logged in)
    I-->|login user failed|K(send a refresh token request)
    K-->|refresh successfully|L(save new credentials)
    K-->|refresh failed|M(set user and token to null, isloggedin to false)


useContext theme data flow

flowchart TD

    A[App loads] --> |on render|B(retrieve data from local storage)
    A-->|on user click|D(set to the non-current value)
    B --> |is data|C(set theme to data in storage)
    B-->|no data|C(set theme to default-light)
    D-->B(save data to local storage)

Component structure


    Main Components <|-- Category
    Main Components <|-- Product
    Main Components <|-- Cart
    Main Components <|-- User

    class Category{
      -categoryList:list view, shown on nav
      -categoryCard:card view, shown on home page
      -sortByPrice:shown on category page
    class Product{
      -productCard:single product card, shown on category, and all products page
      -searchProduct:shown on all products page
      -createProductForm:shown on admin profile page
      -updateProductForm:shown to admin on single product page
    class User{
     -userRegisterForm:shown on auth page
     -userLoginForm:shown on auth page, can toggle with register userLoginForm
     -LoginWithGoogle:shown on auth page


Pages Overview

  • Home ./
  • Auth ./auth
  • Profile ./account Private route. Only logged in users can access this page.
  • Cart ./cart
  • Checkout ./checkout
  • Single product page ./product/:id
  • Category page ./shop/id
  • All products page ./product


The project uses react testing library and jest for unit testing.

To run the tests, use the following command:

yarn test
  1. Unit testing for RTK queries

RTK Query tests auth and product api tests 91-92% coverage

  1. Unite testing for reducers

User Reducer tests User reducer tests 89.65% coverage

Cart and Category Slice tests Cart and category slice tests - 100% test coverage

  1. Unit testing for utility functions

Utility functions tests

Utility functions tests-90% test coverage

  1. Unit testing for components

Component tests

Key logic in components are tested


The project is deployed on Vercel. The deployment is automated, so any push to the main branch will trigger a new deployment. Remember to set the environment variables in the Vercel dashboard.Do not add quotation marks to the values.

Disclaimer & Acknowledgements

This project is created for educational purposes only. It is not intended for commercial use.

It is part of the Integrify Finland Full stack web development program and is created and instructed by Anh Nguyen. Big thanks to her and the Integrify team for the support and guidance.


A frontend e-commerce site built with TypeScript, React and Redux






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