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Acho JavaScript SDK for Node.js


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What is this repository for?

  • SDK for Acho Studio API


  • Get data from Acho Resource by page
  • Run data sync for Acho Resource
  • Download data from Acho Resource
  • Query Acho Resource for data
  • Get Acho Resource Schema
  • Create Node.js Readable Stream from Acho Resource
  • Create Node.js Writable Stream from Acho Resource
  • Get data from Acho Project view
  • Get a list of Configured OAuth Client IDs for current organization
  • Use an OAuth Client ID to issue a Bearer Token
  • Connect to an Acho Published APP's instance
  • Join / leave the Acho Published APP instance's socket room
  • Send Event to the Acho Published APP instance


Package Manager

$ npm install @acho-inc/acho-js

If you want to use it as a dependency in your project that needs to be built and deployed

$ npm install @acho-inc/acho-js --save

After the package is installed in your package.json

import { Acho } from '@acho-inc/acho-js';


Initializing the Acho Client

const AchoInstance = new Acho();

The SDK will use the environment variables from your system

ACHO_TOKEN: The Acho develoepr API token

  • If you are a current subscriber, retrieve it from your profile page
  • If you want to try out the SDK without an active subscription, please contact us

ACHO_API_ENDPOINT: The service backend you are connecting to

  • Default to
  • This setting is irrelevant unless you subscribe to on-premise or dedicated server

If you prefer convenience in testing, you could also initialize the instance by passing in the variables in constructor

const AchoInstance = new Acho({
  apiToken: 'eyEi3oldsi....',
  endpoint: ''

Note: It is not recommended to expose your API token in the code base, especially on production
We highly recommend dotenv for conveniently modifying environment variables during testing
If you suspect your token might be leaked, you can invalidate the token in your profile page, or report to [email protected]

Working with Resource Endpoints

Create a new resource

const resourceResp = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.create({ name: 'test' });

/* resourceResp: { 
    resId: number,
    assetId: number,
    resource: {
      id: number,
      res_name: string,
      res_display_name: string,
      res_type: 'integration',
      is_ready: 1,
      create_time: unix_timestamp (UTC),
      user_id: number,
      update_time: unix_timestamp (UTC),
      asset_id: number

Create a table in a resource

const resourceTableResp = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createTable({
  resId: testResId,
  tableName: 'test',
  schema: { col1: 'STRING', col2: 'INTEGER' }

/* resourceTableResp: {
    resource: {
      id: number,
      res_name: string,
    tableName: string

Stream data into a table

// JSON flavor
const writableStream = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createWriteStream({
  resId: testResId,
  tableId: 'test',
  dataType: 'json'
const testArray = [
  { col1: 'JSON_1', col2: 1 },
  { col1: 'JSON_2', col2: 2 },
  { col1: 'JSON_3', col2: 3 },
  { col1: 'JSON_4', col2: 4 }
await new Promise((resolve) => {
  testArray.forEach((row) => {
    writableStream.write(JSON.stringify(row) + '\n');
  writableStream.on('response', (res) => {
    // expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200);

// CSV flavor
const writableStream = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createWriteStream({
  resId: testResId,
  tableId: 'test',
  dataType: 'csv'
const testCSV = 'CSV_1,1\nCSV_2,2\nCSV_3,3\nCSV_4,4\n';
await new Promise((resolve) => {
  writableStream.on('response', (res) => {
    // expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200);

Note: You can also pipe readable stream into the writableStream created from a resource table
The supported formats are CSV and NDJSON.

Stream data out from the table

// create readable stream
const readableStream = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createReadStream({
  resId: testResId,
  tableId: 'test'

  .on('data', (data) => {
    // do something here with the data
    // data: object
  .on('end', () => {

Use Cases

Create a Resource and a table in the Resource, then insert data into the table

Create a new resource and a resource table first

const createResourceTable = async () => {
  const resourceResp = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.create({
    name: 'Test Resource'

  const { resId } = resourceResp;

  // please make sure you capture the resId here if you want to do the process in two steps

  const resourceTableResp = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createTable({
    resId: resId,
    tableName: 'Test Table',
    schema: { name: 'STRING', age: 'INTEGER' }

Write data to the resource table (in this example we are using JSON)

const writeData = async () => {
  const writableStream = await AchoInstance.ResourceEndpoints.createWriteStream({
    // replace 1234 with the id you captured earlier
    resId: 1234,
    tableId: 'Test Table',
    dataType: 'json'

  const testArray = [
    { name: 'Adam', age: 28 },
    { name: 'Dan', age: 33 },
    { name: 'Jason', age: 35 },
    { name: 'Zach', age: 40 }

  await new Promise((resolve) => {
    testArray.forEach((row) => {
      writableStream.write(JSON.stringify(row) + '\n');
    writableStream.on('response', (res) => {

After finishing the previous steps, if you add "Test Table" from Resource "Test Resource" to a Project on Acho, here is what you will get.


JavaScript SDK for Acho Studio APIs







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