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Stands up a D2IQ Kubernetes cluster in AWS with three control plane servers and three worker nodes. Uses the air-gapped tarball from D2IQ.

This entire process takes one hour (for me.)


This POC assumes you have a Linux development environment with the AWS CLI installed and AWS credentials configured:

$ aws --version
aws-cli/2.7.27 Python/3.9.11 Linux/5.18.10-76051810-generic exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off

This dev environment is referred to throughout these READMEs as your Dev Env. The POC also assumes you have privileges in AWS to manage EC2 instances, etc.

Your AWS environment may differ, or have security constraints, etc. You'll have to adapt the instructions if so. The only impact should be the VM provisioning step. It is expected and required that each VM be able to reach the other via an internal IP, and all VMs have outbound access to be able to do yum updates.

This POC does not use a load balancer. The only reason that three control plane VMs are created is because D2IQ does not have documentation on how to stand up a single control-plane VM cluster.


Execute the steps in numbered order, beginning with, then, and so on.

Throughout this process you will work in various contexts. These READMEs use the convention Context: X to make that clear. Once you see Context: X you will stay in that context until a subsequent Context: X.

Documentation conventions

Most code snippets are intended to be copy/pasted directly into your console. However in some cases the code snippet indicates a command and its output. In the latter case, the command is prefixed with a dollar sign ($) and the output of the command is not. Examples:

This snippet can be pasted directly into the console:

ls -l ~

In contrast, this snippet is documenting the expected output of ls -l ~ at a particular point in time:

$ ls -l ~
total 43952
-rwxr-xr-x 1 frodo frodo      388 Aug 26 12:22 configure-vm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 frodo frodo 45002752 Aug 26 12:48 kubectl
drwxrwxr-x 3 frodo frodo      153 Aug 26 12:50 pki


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