allows you to manipulate directly the Finary API, which is not officially released yet.
Finary allows you to navigate the markets by centralizing your investments. It provides an effective way for you to get a clear overview of your asset allocation, especially if you invest in many different asset classes.
This gem is a working in progress project and has not a stable API yet. Its maturity is really alpha. It has been created for the developers who want to build some features around Finary:
- export all your Finary data
- import any data from any source not yet supported by Finary
- build extra reporting features
It includes some extra features like external providers import (see External Providers import)
Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:
source ''
gem 'finary', git: '', branch: 'main'
And then execute:
$ bundle
You can either provider a login/password or an access token. If provided, the access token will be use in priority.
require 'finary'
Finary.configure do |config|
config.login = ENV['FINARY_LOGIN']
config.password = ENV['FINARY_PASSWORD']
config.access_token = ENV['FINARY_ACCESS_TOKEN']
This gem provides one class to interact with a CRUD set of routes (like users/generic_assets
Generally each class has 5 methods:
Method | Description |
.all |
retrieve all the items |
.get(:id) |
get a specific item |
.create(params) |
create a new item |
#update(:id, params) |
updates the item |
#delete |
deletes the item |
# Get the dashboard view, net amounts on the last month
Finary::User::Views.dashboard(type: 'net', period: '1m')
# Get the portfolio view on the last week
Finary::User::Views.portfolio(period: '1w')
# Retrieve all the crowdlendings
crowdlendings = Finary::User::Crowdlending.all
# Get a specific crowdlending
# List the attributes
# [:id,
# :name,
# :annual_yield,
# :start_date,
# :month_duration,
# :initial_investment,
# :current_value,
# :current_price,
# :unrealized_pnl,
# :unrealized_pnl_percent]
# Create a new crowdlending
crowdlending = Finary::User::Crowdlending.add(
current_price: 1000,
initial_investment: 1000,
name: 'Projet X',
annual_yield: 10,
month_duration: 24,
currency: { code: 'EUR' },
account: { id: '71c78123-9e3a-415c-9ab3-0228db0c241c' }
# Update the crowdlending
updated_crowdlending = crowdlending.update(current_price: 1200, name: 'Projet X')
# Delete the crowdlending
# Retrieve all the cryptos
cryptos = Finary::User::Crypto.all
# Get a specific crypto
# List the attributes
# [:id,
# :crypto,
# :owning_type,
# :quantity,
# :current_price,
# :buying_price,
# :current_value,
# :unrealized_pnl,
# :unrealized_pnl_percent,
# :account]
# Create a new crypto
crypto = Finary::User::Crypto.add(
quantity: 100,
buying_price: 10,
correlation_id: '61a8d7bd2c1653d2c4808e8a',
holdings_account: {
id: 'edd89abd-48a7-426e-9626-c6bb52063de0'
# Update the crypto
updated_crypto = crypto.update(quantity: 110, buying_price: 11)
# Delete the crypto
# Retrieve all the generic assets
assets = Finary::User::GenericAsset.all
# Get a specific generic asset
# List the attributes
# [:id,
# :name,
# :updated_at,
# :category,
# :quantity,
# :buying_price,
# :current_price,
# :current_value,
# :unrealized_pnl,
# :unrealized_pnl_percent]
# Create a new generic asset
asset = Finary::User::GenericAsset.add(
buying_price: 1000,
category: 'real_estate_crowdfunding',
current_price: 1000,
name: 'Anaxago - Projet X',
quantity: 2
# Update the generic asset
updated_asset = asset.update(current_price: 1200, name: 'Anaxago > Projet X')
# Delete the generic asset
# Retrieve all the holding accounts
accounts = Finary::User::Account.all
# Get a specific holding account
account = Finary::User::Account.get('d2b7f41b-2dc5-4132-83fd-cd0a409c4f6e')
# Find a specific holding account using its name (and type)
account = Finary::User::Account.find(
'My Account',
manual_type: 'crowdlending'
# List the attributes
# [:slug,
# :id,
# :name,
# :manual_type,
# :last_sync_at,
# :balance,
# :transactions_count,
# :upnl,
# :upnl_percent,
# :unrealized_pnl,
# :unrealized_pnl_percent,
# :bank,
# :cryptos,
# :securities,
# :fonds_euro]
# Create a new holding account
name: 'My Account',
manual_type: 'crowdlending',
bank_account_type: {
name: 'crowdlending'
currency: {
code: 'EUR'
# Retrieve all the loans
loans = Finary::User::Loan.all
# List the attributes
# [:id,
# :loan_type,
# :loan_category,
# :name,
# :month_duration,
# :start_date,
# :end_date,
# :ownership_percentage,
# :total_amount,
# :loan_to_value,
# :monthly_repayment,
# :insurance_rate,
# :fixed_costs,
# :elapsed_months,
# :remaining_months,
# :outstanding_amount,
# :outstanding_capital,
# :contribution]
# Retrieve all the securities
securities = Finary::User::Security.all
# List the attributes
# [:id,
# :security,
# :quantity,
# :current_value,
# :unrealized_pnl,
# :unrealized_pnl_percent,
# :buying_price,
# :account]
The Finary::Client
allows to request the Finary API routes directly
and returns the parsed JSON body.
client = Finary.client
client.get_user_view(:dashboard, type: 'finary', period: '1w')
# ...
This gem allows the user to synchronize his Finary account with an external provider.
Currently supported providers:
Provider | Sync Type | Unrealized capital gains? |
Anaxago | CSV | Yes |
ClubFunding | API | No |
Homunity | Website | No |
The Anaxago Provider allows to automatically sync your Anaxago investments with your Finary Account.
Each waiting & ongoing Anaxago investment will be synchonized with a dedicated Crowlending
on Finary side:
- new investments are created
- ongoing investments are updated (notably the current price)
- finished investments are removed
To run a sync, you need to download your Anaxago table investments as CSV file using this link
(click on the upper button Télécharger
)'Portefeuille Anaxago 01-01-2022.csv').sync!
The ClubFunding Provider allows to automatically sync your ClubFunding investments with your Finary Account.
Each ClubFunding investment will be synchonized with a dedicated Crowlending
on Finary side:
- new investments are created
- ongoing investments are updated
- finished investments are removed
To run a sync, you need to provide your login/password. '[email protected]', password: 'password').sync!
The Homunity Provider allows to automatically sync your Homunity investments with your Finary Account.
Each Homunity investment will be synchonized with a dedicated Crowlending
on Finary side:
- new investments are created
- ongoing investments are updated
- finished investments are removed
To run a sync, you need to provide the PHPSESSID contained in the website cookie after the login on the website (link).'tgA584JGXxus5FQTWGovPBrjvM').sync!
After checking out the repo, run bundle install --path .bundle
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.