Tags: abranson/firejail
Version 0.9.62 * added file-copy-limit in /etc/firejail/firejail.config * profile templates (/usr/share/doc/firejail) * allow-debuggers support in profiles * several seccomp enhancements * compiler flags autodetection * move chroot entirely from path based to file descriptor based mounts * whitelisting /usr/share in a large number of profiles * new scripts in conrib: gdb-firejail.sh and sort.py * enhancement: whitelist /usr/share in some profiles * added signal mediation to apparmor profile * new conditions: HAS_X11, HAS_NET * new profiles: qgis, klatexformula, klatexformula_cmdl, links, xlinks * new profiles: pandoc, teams-for-linux, OpenArena, gnome-sound-recorder * new profiles: godot, tcpdump, tshark, newsbeuter, keepassxc-cli * new profiles: keepassxc-proxy, rhythmbox-client, jerry, zeal, mpg123 * new profiles: conplay, mpg123.bin, mpg123-alsa, mpg123-id3dump, out123 * new profiles: mpg123-jack, mpg123-nas, mpg123-openal, mpg123-oss * new profiles: mpg123-portaudio, mpg123-pulse, mpg123-strip, pavucontrol-qt * new profiles: gnome-characters, gnome-character-map, rsync, Whalebird, * new profiles: tor-browser (AUR), Zulip, tb-starter-wrapper, bzcat, * new profiles: kiwix-desktop, bzcat, zstd, pzstd, zstdcat, zstdgrep, zstdless * new profiles: zstdmt, unzstd, i2p, ar, gnome-latex, pngquant, kalgebra * new profiles: kalgebramobile, signal-cli, amuled, kfind, profanity * new profiles: audio-recorder, cameramonitor, ddgtk, drawio, unf, gmpc * new profiles: electron-mail, gist, gist-paste
Version * fix CVE-2019-12589 * fix CVE-2019-12499 * other bugfixes
Version 0.9.60 * security bug reported by Austin Morton: Seccomp filters are copied into /run/firejail/mnt, and are writable within the jail. A malicious process can modify files from inside the jail. Processes that are later joined to the jail will not have seccomp filters applied. * memory-deny-write-execute now also blocks memfd_create * add private-cwd option to control working directory within jail * blocking system D-Bus socket with --nodbus * bringing back Centos 6 support * drop support for flatpak/snap packages * new profiles: crow, nyx, mypaint, celluoid, nano, transgui, mpdris2 * new profiles: sysprof, simplescreenrecorder, geekbench, xfce4-mixer * new profiles: pavucontrol, d-feet, seahorse, secret-tool, gnome-keyring * new profiles: regextester, hardinfo, gnome-system-log, gnome-nettool * new profiles: netactview, redshift, devhelp, assogiate, subdownloader * new profiles: font-manager, exfalso, gconf-editor, dconf-editor * new profiles: sysprof-cli, seahorse-tool, secret-tool, dconf, gsettings * new profiles: code-oss, pragha, Maelstrom, ostrichriders, bzflag * new profiles: freeciv, lincity-ng, megaglest, openttd, crawl, crawl-tiles * new profiles: teeworlds, torcs, tremulous, warsow, lugaru, manaplus * new profiles: pioneer, scorched3d, widelands, freemind, kid3, kid3-qt * new profiles: kid3-cli, nomacs, freecol, opencity, openclonk, slashem * new profiles: vultureseye, vulturesclaw, anki, cheese, utox, mp3splt * new profiles: oggsplt, flacsplt, gramps, newsboat, freeoffice-planmaker * new profiles: autokey-gtk, autokey-qt, autokey-run, autokey-shell * new profiles: freeoffice-presentations, freeoffice-textmaker, mp3wrap * new profiles: inkview, meteo-qt, mp3splt-gtk, ktouch, yelp, cantata
Version 0.9.60-rc1 * new profiles: crow, nyx, mypaint, celluoid, nano, transgui, mpdris2 * new profiles: sysprof, simplescreenrecorder, geekbench, xfce4-mixer * new profiles: pavucontrol, d-feet, seahorse, secret-tool, gnome-keyring * new profiles: regextester, hardinfo, gnome-system-log, gnome-nettool * new profiles: netactview, redshift, devhelp, assogiate, subdownloader * new profiles: font-manager, exfalso, gconf-editor, dconf-editor * new profiles: sysprof-cli, seahorse-tool, secret-tool, dconf, gsettings * new profiles: code-oss, pragha, Maelstrom, ostrichriders, bzflag * new profiles: freeciv, lincity-ng, megaglest, openttd, crawl, crawl-tiles * new profiles: teeworlds, torcs, tremulous, warsow, lugaru, manaplus * new profiles: pioneer, scorched3d, widelands, freemind, kid3, kid3-qt * new profiles: kid3-cli, nomacs, freecol, opencity, openclonk, slashem * new profiles: vultureseye, vulturesclaw, anki, cheese, utox, mp3splt * new profiles: oggsplt, flacsplt, gramps, newsboat, freeoffice-planmaker * new profiles: autokey-gtk, autokey-qt, autokey-run, autokey-shell * new profiles: freeoffice-presentations, freeoffice-textmaker, mp3wrap * memory-deny-write-execute now also blocks memfd_create * drop support for flatpak/snap packages
Version 0.9.58 * --disable-mnt rework * --net.print command * GitLab CI/CD integration: disto specific builds * profile parser enhancements and conditional handling support for HAS_APPIMAGE, HAS_NODBUS, BROWSER_DISABLE_U2F * profile name support * added explicit nonewprivs support to join option * new profiles: QMediathekView, aria2c, Authenticator, checkbashisms * new profiles: devilspie, devilspie2, easystroke, github-desktop, min * new profiles: bsdcat, bsdcpio, bsdtar, lzmadec, lbunzip2, lbzcat * new profiles: lbzip2, lzcat, lzcmp, lzdiff, lzegrep, lzfgrep, lzgrep * new profiles: lzless, lzma, lzmainfo, lzmore, unlzma, unxz, xzcat * new profiles: xzcmp, xzdiff, xzegrep, xzfgrep, xzgrep, xzless, xzmore * new profiles: lzip, artha, nitroshare, nitroshare-cli, nitroshare-nmh * new profiles: nirtoshare-send, nitroshare-ui, mencoder, gnome-pie * new profiles: masterpdfeditor, QOwnNotes, aisleriot, Mendeley * new profiles: feedreader, ocenaudio, mpsyt, thunderbird-wayland * new profiles: supertuxkart, ghostwriter, gajim-history-manager * bugfixes
Version 0.9.58-rc1 * work in progress * --disable-mnt rework * --net.print command * GitLab CI/CD integration: disto specific builds * profile parser enhancements and conditional handling support for HAS_APPIMAGE, HAS_NODBUS, BROWSER_DISABLE_U2F * profile name support * added explicit nonewprivs support to join option * add mincore syscall to default seccomp list * new profiles: QMediathekView, aria2c, Authenticator, checkbashisms * new profiles: devilspie, devilspie2, easystroke, github-desktop, min * new profiles: bsdcat, bsdcpio, bsdtar, lzmadec, lbunzip2, lbzcat * new profiles: lbzip2, lzcat, lzcmp, lzdiff, lzegrep, lzfgrep, lzgrep * new profiles: lzless, lzma, lzmainfo, lzmore, unlzma, unxz, xzcat * new profiles: xzcmp, xzdiff, xzegrep, xzfgrep, xzgrep, xzless, xzmore * new profiles: lzip, artha, nitroshare, nitroshare-cli, nitroshare-nmh * new profiles: nirtoshare-send, nitroshare-ui, mencoder, gnome-pie * new profiles: masterpdfeditor, QOwnNotes, aisleriot, Mendeley * new profiles: feedreader, ocenaudio, mpsyt, thunderbird-wayland * new profiles: supertuxcart, ghostwriter, gajim-history-manager
Version 0.9.56-LTS * code based on Firejail version 0.9.56 * much smaller code base for SUID executable * command line options removed: --audit, --build, --cgroup, --chroot, --get, --ls, --output, --output-stderr, --overlay, --overlay-named, --overlay-tmpfs, --overlay-clean, --private-home, --private-bin, --private-etc, --private-opt, --private-srv, --put, --rlimit*, --trace, --tracelog, --x11*, --xephyr* * compile-time options: --enable-apparmor, --disable-seccomp, --disable-globalcfg, --disable-network, --disable-userns, --disable-whitelist, --disable-suid, --enable-fatal-warnings, --enable-busybox-workaround
Version 0.9.56-LTS firejail (0.9.56-LTS~rc1) baseline; urgency=low * code based on Firejail version 0.9.56 * much smaller code base for SUID executable * command line options removed: --audit, --build, --cgroup, --chroot, --get, --ls, --output, --output-stderr, --overlay, --overlay-named, --overlay-tmpfs, --overlay-clean, --private-home, --private-bin, --private-etc, --private-opt, --private-srv, --put, --rlimit*, --trace, --tracelog, --x11*, --xephyr* * compile-time options: --enable-apparmor, --disable-seccomp, --disable-globalcfg, --disable-network, --disable-userns, --disable-whitelist, --disable-suid, --enable-fatal-warnings, --enable-busybox-workaround -- netblue30 <[email protected]> Wed, 3 Oct 2018 08:00:00 -0500
Version 0.9.56 * modif: removed CFG_CHROOT_DESKTOP configuration option * modif: removed compile time --enable-network=restricted * modif: removed compile time --disable-bind * modif: --net=none allowed even if networking was disabled at compile time or at run time * modif: allow system users to run the sandbox * support wireless devices in --net option * support tap devices in --net option (tunneling support) * allow IP address configuration if the parent interface specified by --net is not configured (--netmask) * support for firetunnel utility * disable U2F devices (--nou2f) * add --private-cache to support private ~/.cache * support full paths in private-lib * globbing support in private-lib * support for local user directories in firecfg (--bindir) * new profiles: ms-excel, ms-office, ms-onenote, ms-outlook, ms-powerpoint, * new profiles: ms-skype, ms-word, riot-desktop, gnome-mpv, snox, gradio, * new profiles: standardnotes-desktop, shellcheck, patch, flameshot, * new profiles: rview, rvim, vimcat, vimdiff, vimpager, vimtutor, xxd, * new profiles: Beaker, electrum, clamtk, pybitmessage, dig, whois, * new profiles: jdownloader, Fluxbox, Blackbox, Awesome, i3 * new profiles: start-tor-browser.desktop