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gRPC Sample Chat Application

This repository contains the code for a gRPC-based chat application. It allows clients to send messages and receive replies from a server using the gRPC protocol.


Before running this application, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Java JDK (version 17 or higher)
  • Maven
  • Protobuf (protobuf-java version 3.17.3)

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to get started with the chat application:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine: ```bash git clone `

  2. Compile and build the application using Maven:

bash code

  • cd proto-files
  • mvn clean install
  1. Run the gRPC server:

bash code

  • cd grpcchat
  • mvn clean install java -jar target/chatgrpc.jar
  • start or run jar with help of IDE


To interact with the gRPC chat server, you can use any gRPC client. Follow the steps below to send requests and receive responses:

  1. Create a gRPC channel to connect to the server:

javaCopy code

ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8000).usePlaintext().build();

  1. Create a stub for the ChatService:


ChatServiceGrpc.ChatServiceBlockingStub stub = ChatServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);

  1. Create a message request:

java code

MessageRequest request = MessageRequest.newBuilder().setMessage("Hello, server!").build();

  1. Send the message request and receive the response:

javaCopy code

MessageResponse response = stub.sendMessage(request);

  1. Access the server's reply from the response:

javaCopy code

System.out.println("Server reply: " + response.getReply());

  1. Shutdown the channel when you are done:

java code


Note: If you are running the server on a remote machine, replace "localhost" in the channel creation with the actual server address.

Protobuf Files

The application relies on the following protobuf files located in the com.common.gprc package:

  • MessageRequest.proto: Defines the message request structure with a single field message of type string.
  • MessageResponse.proto: Defines the message response structure with a single field reply of type string.

Feel free to modify these files to suit your application's needs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use the code for your own purposes.

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  • youtube @iamthatsoftwareguy
  • insta @abhinavsinghvirsen
  • facebook @iamthatsoftwareguy


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