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An online Treasure Hunt build for the techno-cultural fest @aaroh19.

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Made by @abhijithvijayan

Donate: PayPal, Patreon

Buy Me a Coffee


You can see the awesome demo here.

Stack Used:

  • Express.JS
  • Passport.js
  • MongoDB
  • Webpack Bundler
  • SASS
  • Pug Templating Engine
  • yarn package manager

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox Opera
49 & later βœ” 47 & later βœ” 36 & later βœ”

Getting Started


Uses google-oauth 2.0 with passport.js

Add/Modify Levels & Answers

You must be an admin to make changes to the game. To make yourself an admin

  • Sign In with your Google Account
  • Use any mongodb client to edit the document saved under User collection
  • Update permission field to value 20 for the account.

Done, You can now see options to edit the game in the dashboard.

Add Questions

Edit the /views/mixins/_question.pug file to your need.

End Game

Set isEnded flag under Game Model in DB to 1.

Send Notificatiions

Use the Send Alert option in Admin Panel.

Store Assets

  • Save your svg's under /public/images/icons/
  • Save your images under /public/images/photos
  • Save your audio files under /public/images/audio
  • Import your static assets to /public/javascripts/glitch.js


  • Copy contents from variables.env.sample to variables.env
  • Fill in with your credentials (Generate google API key from console)
  • yarn run dev launches express at PORT 7777
  • Visit localhost:7777 in your browser to load the game


  • Run yarn run build to minify JS and CSS
  • Update PORT=80 and NODE_ENV="production" in variables.env file
  • Then run yarn start to launch the server



Create a MongoDB admin in mongo shell

> mongo
> use admin
> db.createUser(
    user: "abhijithvijayan",
    pwd: "fBxY3oEA3DCeVN0Pe1PMORx3Td18WNdOy6B5s223C",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]

Create a database and user for Glitch

> use glitch
> db.createUser(
    user: "glitchAdmin",
    pwd: "ADbTfu6vbaDR08775pQSk9uAwhHpo8wBsmAKdSiql7",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "glitch" } ]

Update these credentials to variables.env

Delete Data

If you have previously loaded data to your DB, you can wipe your database 100% clean with:

yarn run blowitallaway

Also delete all the other collections manually with MongoDB Compass

Assets Used


This project is licenced under MIT