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UCPH Master Thesis repository


This repository contains the code for my master's thesis with a title "Neural Network for Investigating Sequence Determinants of m6A Redistribution During Hypoxia Response". In a nutshell, given a sequence which contains either m6A site of normal or hypoxia condition in HeLa cell from GLORI paper [1], Our goal is to create a model which could predict the stoichiometry for both conditions and find the local sequences determinant which might drive the difference between the two conditions.

Instruction to Run


First of all, you need to install the required library for both python and R. For python you can just run it with conda

conda env create -f environment_gpu.yaml

For R, just install all the packages from two main R files manually. Furthermore, we use TOMTOM for the motif comparison. Hence you need to install MEME suites (see:

Data Preparation

To prepare the data, you need to run the train_test_split.R that processes the GLORI raw data and split it into 5-folds based on the gene:

Rscript train_test_split.R

It will output splitted data of the sequence in .FASTA format for train and validation process (in motif_fasta_<train/test>_SPLIT_<fold>.fasta), their promotors (in promoter_fasta_<train/test>_SPLIT_<fold>.fasta). In addition, it will aso give you the metadata in json format ((in <train/test>_meta_data_SPLIT_<fold>.json))

Model Training and Tuning

Next, if you want to reproduce the hyperparameter optimization problem, you can run:

python --data_folder data/dual_outputs --embedding one-hot --tune_output_path ray_results --tune_output_folder_name tuning --num_samples 50 --max_num_epochs 16

You change the num_samples param and config variable inside the code. You can find the summary of the tuning process in ray_results in ray_results/tuning/results_summary.csv. Since I haven't created the feature to save the tuned parameters into a file (which using Ray's checkpoint) you need to rerun it via other python script (which also allows you to experiment with your provided config). To do that just run:

python --data_folder data/dual_outputs --num_epochs 200 --batch_size 128 --save_dir data/outputs --mode train --learning_rate 0.001 --gpu 2 --plot y --loader_worker 6 --kaiming_init y --tensorboard_writer y  --suffix <your_suffix>

The above script will give you the two logs: the csv logs (under outputs/logs) and the tensorlogs (which located under outputs/tensorboard_logs/runs/). The tensorlog is enabled if you type --tensorboard_writer y . If you have the tensor log, you can see the logs for your runs (and also all the folds) by running:

tensorboard --logdir=data/outputs/tensorboard_logs/runs --load_fast=false

However, if you are using ssh, you can bind the addess with you local computer

ssh -L serverport:localhost:localport

where serverport should be equal to the exposed_port on tensorboard command. Then you can see the board at localhost:localport on your local device. It will give you the loss, pearson corr, and also LSTM interpretation from the trained model.

Furthermore, you can also see additional outputs from the last python script inside the outputs folder. If you type --plot y it will produce the validation loss and also correlation between the true and predicted value of normal and hypoxia conditions. The plots' path are located at data/outputs/analysis/correlation_plot<fold>_suffix.png and data/outputs/analysis/loss_plot_<fold>_suffix.png. Aside that, the last python script also outputs the pickled trained model parameter inside data/outputs/model/<model> as well as the prediction csv (data/outputs/predictions/<file>) file for further do

Model Interpretation

For the model interpretation, you can use the analysis/model_interpretation.ipynb to output the ISM analyses which contain the scatter plot of m6A level difference, logos of attribution score, and the heatmap of the m6A level difference average for each position.

Motif Importances

To know further what are the drivers of the dynamic of m6A levels, I created a linear model assuming linear interaction between the motifs and the m6A level difference. The motifs are extracted from the first layer of CNN. To do that you cnat just run the code inside analysis/motifs_importance.ipynb

Result Analysis

All the post-hoc analysis can be found on result_analysis.Rmd


  • Cong Liu, Hanxiao Sun, Yunpeng Yi, et al. „Absolute quantification of single-base m6A methylation in the mammalian transcriptome using GLORI“. In: Nature Biotechnology 41.3 (Mar. 2023), pp. 355–366.


UCPH Master Thesis repository







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