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das (Data Analysis Suite) is a simple Python utility for the analysis of (Monte Carlo) data.

Dependencies and Setup

das is packaged with poetry: the command

$ poetry install

will setup a virtual environment will all required dependencies. The command

$ poetry --directory <project directory> run das <arguments>

(--directory ... is optional if within the project directory already) will execute the program.

Current capabilities

The capabilities of das are programmed in drivers, subcommands specialized for a specific task, and include:

  • Simple averaging and analysis of uncorrelated data (avs);
  • Binsize scaling to compute accurate errors for correlated data (ave);
  • Jackknife estimation of errors for mean value functionals (jck).

A list of available drivers, together with the instructions for the main command, can be displayed as

$ poetry --directory=<project directory> run das -h
usage: das [-h] [--version] {avs,ave,jck} ...

positional arguments:

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --version      display version number and exit

Each driver is invoked as

$ das <driver> <arguments>

Executing the driver with no arguments will display a help message.


The commands

$ poetry run mkdocs build
$ poetry run mkdocs serve


$ make docs

generate the documentation, which can be browsed at the URL http:https://localhost:8000.

Most of the documentation (including all the information related to the UI and the statistical background) can be consulted on the github wiki.