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Tile placement suggestions for the game Dorfromantik.
Reinforcement learning approach for job shop scheduling
Tutorial to implement Liquid Time-Constant Neural Network from scratch (eng\rus)
Fast and customizable framework for automatic ML model creation (AutoML)
A comprehensive collection of KAN(Kolmogorov-Arnold Network)-related resources, including libraries, projects, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Kolmogorov-Arnold N…
Kolmogorov-Arnold Network for Reinforcement Leaning, initial experiments
Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science Specialization - Coursera - - solutions and notes
A lightweight and fast auto-ml library
Все необходимые материалы для "Лучшего курса по Питону"
Converts profiling output to a dot graph.
Open Machine Learning course
YSC 2023 Papers: A complete collection of research papers, code and data from the International Young Scientists Conference 2023 for young researchers and professionals in computational science, Ar…
High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features (PPO, DQN, C51, DDPG, TD3, SAC, PPG)
The implementation of the Neural Architecture Search based at the Fedot framework
Tool for benchmarking automated time series forecasting algorithms
AutoML tool for imbalanced and small tabular datasets
A library for assisting in diagnostics of heart conditions from ECG
Component for finding decomposition sets and estimating hardness of SAT instances.
Rostok is an open source library which provides the framework for generative co-design of mechatronic and robotic systems.
Toolbox for the generative design of geometrically-encoded physical objects using numerical modelling and evolutionary optimization
Framework for autonomous learning of explainable graph neural networks
Repository of a data modeling and analysis tool based on Bayesian networks
Combines power of torch, numerical methods to conquer and solve ALL {O,P}DEs
EPDE - partial differential equations discovery framework