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CUDA implementation of the aDDM-Toolbox.

Getting Started

The aDDM Toolbox library for CUDA can be cloned on the user's machine or run in a Docker container. We recommend using the Docker image unless you are familiar with installing and compiling c++ packages. Note that although this is a CUDA library, the installation and usage process is almost identical to the C++ instructions - don't worry if you don't have any CUDA experience. see the Local Installation section. For instructions on the Docker installation, continue to the Docker Image section.

Docker Image

To pull a Docker Image with installed, follow the steps below:

  • Install Docker Desktop.
  • Start Docker Desktop.
  • Pull the Docker image, currently linked at rnlcaltech/ This can be done via terminal using
docker pull rnlcaltech/
  • You can use the Docker image either through Docker Desktop and selecting run on rnlcaltech/ in the list of your local Docker or using a CLI with the following command:
docker run -it --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/home \

This command will mount /home in the Docker container to your current directory. Any files you want to keep after exiting the container should be saved there.

  • If you not on an architecture that is currently supported by the images on Docker Hub you can build the image appropriate for your system using the Dockerfile provided in this repo. To do so navigate to the directory you cloned this repo to and run:
docker build -t {USER_NAME}/{YOUR_TAG} -f ./Dockerfile .

Local Installation

Skip this if you are using the Docker image as recommended above.


The standard build of the assumes the Linux Ubuntu Distribution 22.04. This library requires g++ 11.3.0, as well as several third-party C++ packages:

These dependencies can be installed using the following commands. Note that they assume the paths /usr/include/c++/11/ and apt-get exist on your system.

$ wget -O /usr/include/c++/11/BS_thread_pool.hpp
$ mkdir -p /usr/include/c++/11/nlohmann
$ wget -O /usr/include/c++/11/nlohmann/json.hpp
$ apt-get install libboost-math-dev libboost-math1.74-dev catch2

Be sure to clone the library from Github if you haven't done so already.

Note that the installation directory /usr/include/c++/11 may be modified to support newer versions of C++. In the event of a Permission Denied error, precede the above commands with sudo.

The latest version of NVIDIA CUDA is also requried to be installed locally. This includes NVCC and CUDA versions 12.2, whose installation guidelines are described in the NVIDIA Documentation.


TThe library can then be built and installed in one step:

$ make install

In the event of a Permission Denied error, precede the above command with sudo.

Basic Usage

Both of the above methods will install the shared library as well as the corresponding header files. Although there are multiple header files corresponding to the aDDM and DDM programs, simply adding #include <addm/cuda_toolbox.h> to a C++ program will include all necessary headers. A simple usage example is described below.

To use the C++ toolbox, you need to create programs (files with .cpp extensions), compile them (e.g. using g++) and then run them. If you have installed the toolbox locally, you can create your programs or the ones described in this tutorual in any text editor you have on your system. Alternatively, if you're using the Docker image, as advised above, you can use vim as the editor to write or paste the code from the tutorial.

So e.g., after starting a container using the docker run ... command above, you will be in a shell session that has the precompiled aDDM-toolbox. From the command line you can run

root ➜ ~/ADDM.cpp (main) $ vim main.cpp

to create a new file names main.cpp, hit i to copy and paste the code from below, and save it using :x.


#include <addm/cuda_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    aDDM addm = aDDM(0.005, 0.07, 0.5);
    std::cout << "d: " << addm.d << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "sigma: " << addm.sigma << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "theta: " << addm.theta << std::endl; 

You can confirm you created the main.cpp program by running

root ➜ ~/ADDM.cpp (main) $ ls

The next step is to compile this new program. When compiling any code using the toolbox, include the -laddm flag to link with the installed shared object library.

$ g++ -o main main.cpp -laddm
$ ./main

Expected output:

d: 0.005
sigma: 0.07
theta: 0.5


In the data directory, we have included two test files to demonstrate how to use the toolbox. expdata.csv contains sample experimental data and fixations.csv contains the corresponding fixation data. A description of how to fit models corresponding to these subjects is located in tutorial.cpp. An executable version of this script can be built using the make run target. The contents of the tutorial are listed below, but can be found verbatim in tutorial.cpp.


#include <addm/cuda_toolbox.h>
#include <iostream> 

int main() {
    // Load trial and fixation data
    std::map<int, std::vector<aDDMTrial>> data = loadDataFromCSV("data/expdata.csv", "data/fixations.csv");
    // Iterate through each SubjectID and its corresponding vector of trials. 
    for (const auto& [subjectID, trials] : data) {
        std::cout << subjectID << ": "; 
        // Compute the most optimal parameters to generate 
        MLEinfo info = aDDM::fitModelMLE(trials, {0.001, 0.002, 0.003}, {0.0875, 0.09, 0.0925}, {0.1, 0.3, 0.5}, {0}, "thread");
        std::cout << "d: " << info.optimal.d << " "; 
        std::cout << "sigma: " << info.optimal.sigma << " "; 
        std::cout << "theta: " << info.optimal.theta << std::endl;

Let's break this down piece by piece:

#include <addm/cuda_toolbox.h>

This tells the C++ pre-processor to find the addm library and the main header file cuda_toolbox.h. The main header file includes all sub-headers for the DDM and aDDM classes and utility methods, so there is no need to include any other files. If you haven't already, run make install to install the addm library on your machine.

#include <iostream>

This tells the pre-processor to compile with the <iostream> library, which provides functionality for printing to the console.

// Load trial and fixation data
std::map<int, std::vector<aDDMTrial>> data = loadDataFromCSV("data/expdata.csv", "data/fixations.csv");

This uses the loadDataFromCSV function included in util.h to load the experimental data and fixation data from CSV files. Both files need to be structured in a specific format to be properly loaded. These formats are described below, with sample experimental data in data/expdata.csv and fixation data in data/fixations.csv.

Experimental Data

parcode trial rt choice valueLeft valueRight
0 0 1962 -1 15 0
0 1 873 1 -15 5
0 2 1345 1 10 -5

Fixation Data

parcode trial fixItem fixTime
0 0 3 176
0 0 0 42
0 0 1 188

Note that data can also be loaded from a single CSV as well. To do this, use the loadDataFromSingleCSV function. This format is described below:

Single CSV

trial choice rt valueLeft valueRight fixItem fixTime
0 1 350 3 0 0 200
0 1 350 3 0 1 150
1 -1 400 4 5 0 300
1 -1 400 4 5 2 100

The loadDataFromCSV function returns a std::map<int, std::vector<aDDMTrial>>. This is a mapping from subjectIDs to their corresponding list of trials. A single trial (choice, response time, fixations) is represented in each aDDMTrial object.

for (const auto& [subjectID, trials] : data) ...

Iterate through each individual subjectID and its list of aDDMTrials.

std::cout << subjectID << ": "; 
// Compute the most optimal parameters to generate 
MLEinfo info = aDDM::fitModelMLE(trials, {0.001, 0.002, 0.003}, {0.0875, 0.09, 0.0925}, {0.1, 0.3, 0.5});
std::cout << "d: " << info.optimal.d << " "; 
std::cout << "sigma: " << info.optimal.sigma << " "; 
std::cout << "theta: " << info.optimal.theta << std::endl; 

Perform model fitting via Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to find the optimal parameters for each subject. The arguments for this function are as follows:

  • trials - The list of trials for the given subjectID.
  • {0.001, 0.002, 0.003} - Range to test for the drift rate (d).
  • {0.0875, 0.09, 0.0925} - Range to test for noise (sigma).
  • {0.1, 0.3, 0.5} - Range to test for the fixation discount (theta).

When building the tutorial with make run, an executable will be created at bin/tutorial. Running this executable should print the model parameters for each subject. At first, it may seem like most subjects report similar parameters. This is to be expected given the small parameter space the grid search is testing; however, there should be a slight variance among parameters for some subjects. The expected output is described below:

0: d: 0.001 sigma: 0.0925 theta: 0.1
1: d: 0.001 sigma: 0.09 theta: 0.1
2: d: 0.001 sigma: 0.0875 theta: 0.1
3: d: 0.001 sigma: 0.09 theta: 0.1


A set of basic correctnesss tests are located in the tests directory. These tests may be updated as more features are (potentially) added. Most importantly, these tests check that (1) the toolbox can be installed without error and (2) the installed toolbox performs trial simulation, likelihood estimation, and MLE correctly. To run the tests:

$ make test
$ bin/addm_test

These tests are also configured to automatically run when pushed to GitHub. If you are contributing to the toolbox, be sure that your commit succesfully runs and passes the tests before attempting to merge.

Modifying the Toolbox

Some users may want to modify this codebase for their own purposes. Below are some examples of what users may want to do and some tips on altering the code.

Alternative Optimization Algorithms

For some use-cases, MLE may not be optimal for model fitting. So, some users may want to change how the model fitting algorithm identifies the optimal parameters. The portion of the fitModelMLE function in the aDDM class where MLE is actually performed is highlighted in the addm.cpp file, but is also described below.

double minNLL = __DBL_MAX__; 
aDDM optimal = aDDM(); 
for (aDDM addm : potentialModels) {
    ProbabilityData aux = addm.computeGPUNLL(trials, trialsPerThread, timeStep, approxStateStep);
    if (normalizePosteriors) {
        allTrialLikelihoods.insert({addm, aux});
        posteriors.insert({addm, 1 / numModels});
    } else {
        posteriors.insert({addm, aux.NLL});
    if (aux.NLL < minNLL) {
        minNLL = aux.NLL; 
        optimal = addm; 

Key Variables:

  • potentialModels: Vector of all possible aDDM models and is created by iterating through the entire parameter grid-space.
  • posteriors: Mapping from individual aDDM models to their NLL or marginalized posteriors, depending on input conditions. If the marginal posteriors are to be computed, these calculations are performed at the end of computations.
  • allTrialLikelihoods: Mapping from individual aDDM models to their computed ProbabilityData objects. For reference, this object contains information regarding the computed proabilities for a vector of aDDMTrial objects. It is comprised of the sum of Negative Log Likelihoods, sum of likelihoods, and a list of all likelihoods for each trial.
  • optimal: The most optimal model to fit the given trials.

When redesigning this segment of code, the minimum requirement is that some aDDM object is selected as the optimal model. All other computational features can be determined by the user. The decision to compute the marginal posteriors or include code to add to the mappings can also be determined by the user if they inted on using that feature. The code should still compile and run if the posteriors and allTrialLikelihoods maps are left empty.

Python Bindings

Python bindings are also provided for users who prefer to work with a Python codebase over C++. The provided bindings are located in lib/bindings.cpp. Note that pybind11 and Python version 3.10 (at a minimum) are strict prerequisites for installation and usage of the Python code. These are installed with the Docker image. For local isntallation on a LInux OS they can be installed with

apt-get install python3.10
pip3 install pybind11

Once pybind11 and Python 3.10 are installed, the module can be built with:

make pybind

This will create a shared library object in the repository's root directory containing the addm_toolbox_cuda module. Although function calls remain largely analogous with the original C++ code, an example is described below that can be used to ensure the code is working properly:

import addm_toolbox_cuda

ddm = addm_toolbox_cuda.DDM(0.005, 0.07)
print(f"d = {ddm.d}")
print(f"sigma = {ddm.sigma}")

trial = ddm.simulateTrial(3, 7, 10, 540)
print(f"RT = {trial.RT}")
print(f"choice = {trial.choice}")

To run the code:

$ python3
d = 0.005
sigma = 0.07
RT = 850
choice = 1

Optional: Python Syntax Highlighting

For users working in a user interface, such as Visual Studio Code, a Python stub is provided to facilitate features including syntax highlighting, type-hinting, auto-complete. Although the addm_toolbox_cuda.pyi stub is built-in, the file can be dynamically generated using the mypy stubgen tool. The mypy module can be installed using:

pip install mypy

For users who plan to modify the library for their own use and want the provided features, the stub file can be built as follows:

stubgen -m addm_toolbox_cuda -o .

Note that the pybind11 shared library file should be built before running stubgen.

Data Analysis Scripts

A set of data analysis and visualization tools are provided in the analysis directory. Current provided scripts include:

  • DDM Heatmaps for MLE.
  • aDDM Heatmap for MLE.
  • Posterior Pair Plots.
  • Time vs RDV for individual trial.
  • Value Differences against Response Time Frequencies.

See the individual file documentation for usage instructions.

Uninstalling the Library

To uninstall the aDDM library, run make uninstall. This will remove the locally installed addm directory.

In the event of a Permission Denied error, precede the above command with sudo.



This toolbox was developed as part of a resarch project in the Rangel Neuroeconomics Lab at the California Institute of Technology. Special thanks to Antonio Rangel and Zeynep Enkavi for your help with this project.